Dynamic Recovery Services
Attempted breaking and entering my home, back door. Misrepresented themselves as police. Ruffed me up and threatened me

Business & Finance

Two men dressed in black jackets, with the word "AGENT" on the back and a picture of police badge on the front of their jackets pounded on my back door and attempted to enter. I went outside to ask what they are doing and was not given an answer. I was questioned like they were the police and asked to give my name and spell it for them, though they did not give and refused to identify themselves. When they realized I am not who they are trying to collect from, they gave me a generic card with a toll free number and told me I had to call it and prove I am not who they are looking for or they were going to send the police and sheriff to harass me regularly until they catch the guy they are looking for. When I called the number on the card, a recording comes on saying I have reached the "investigation department" of an unnamed company and asked to state my name so they can route the call to the proper authority. When I got a real person on the line, they tried to stonewall and refused to tell me details of who exactly they are and continued with threats.

Company: Dynamic Recovery Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Internet Farmers Branch
Address: Dynamic Recovery Services, Inc. 4101 McEwen Rd. Su
Phone: 8663252986
Site: drsinc.us
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Emporio Collezione
(Smooth talking Italian men selling fake leather jackets)

Danilo Rippa R.G.A. Emporio Jackets
Armani Leather Jackets Guy Is Still Riping-off Sold me 4 fake Armani Reportage jackets Ripoff Melbourne

Third Pig's Security
Attempted Breaking and Entering

Threatened bodily harm to me and my spouse

Milano Collection
Falsley sold me leather jackets under the pretense that they were genuine Versace leather coats. He wanted 500$ or more when they were actually fake! Italy Or Mexico nationwide and internet

Department of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Consumer Report

Duluth Police Department
DULUTH POLICE False arrest, police corruption, police abuse, defamation

Diversified Collection Services - DCS
Rude and harassing phone calls

R.G.A./e.G. A. Emporio Jackets
EGA/RGA emporio jackets sold me in the same day but in another country

Just Nails
Wasn't honest, yelled and called me names, had to call the police