Xm Brands
Complete rip off

Health & Medicine

My wife submitted an online request for the free trial offer costing $4.95 for shipping and handling. A few days later she called the 800 number to cancel. They did not answer and kept her on the line for at least half an hour. They subsequently bill our bank card for $ 139.97. When a person finally answered, they told her that they could not find her in the system and said that she must have the wrong company. She called another day and spoke with Robert who offered to refund $40.00, which my wife rejected. On top of all this, although we received the initial free offer, we never received the $139.97 worth of products that they had billed us for. Robert said that we had to call UPS because they delivered it.

Silver Spring, Maryland

Company: Xm Brands
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
Address: 642 Main Street
Phone: 8004404397
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Allegro Global Marketing
Ripoff! Dishonest and fraudulent!

Gleaming White Smile
S rip-off! Fraudulent promises, unconscionable charges to account! Atlanta Georgia

Mineral Science
Their advertisment is "14 day free trial." NOT! It should say, 14 day delayed billing. After 14 days you are billed for $59.99

My VIP Fit
$89.31 Credit card RIP OFF Davie, Florida

FWM Laboratories
Recieved only half of free trial and charged twice for additional product I do not want or requested

Lipo Slim Online Nutrition Resources
Consumer Report

XM Brands / PetiPAAWS
Warning of a new product being marketed by XM Brands

Lorelia Skin Care
Consumer Report

Resveratrol XM

Raw Minerals
Iritated consume