Nutri Blvd
Nutri Blvd Ripp Off

Health & Medicine

I received their "free" sample and then my bank account was charged $87.97 without my knowledge. I sent the sample back via UPS next day air with a tracking # and was told I would receive my refund in 7-10 days. They rec'd the returned item on 4/1 and it's now 4/22 and I still ahve not received my refund. I have called 4 times asking on the status and they tell me it's in the works. I asked to talk to a Mgr but they would not let me. Today they cahnged their tune and told me they had 30 days to issue the refund. I told them it had better be in my account by May 1st or I was calling the Attorney General and that they were a complete rip off.
Do not buy anything from these people even if they claim it"s free!

Company: Nutri Blvd
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 20815 NE 16th Ave, STE B46
Phone: 8882197670
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Nutri Blvd
Unauthorized charges

Nutri Blvd
Nutri Blvd offers a free sample of their product, with paid postage. Sample arrives, NOT FREE— $87.97

Nutri Blvd
You order free sample (pay for shipping only) and 10 days laterthey send you more and charge your credit card $87.00 when you try to cancel no one answsers or they have no knowledge of you Miami

Nutri Blvd
"Free trial sample" as advertised on Facebook a scam!

Rauscher Bekke LLC/Dermapril-SP
Dermapril-SP Beware of "Free Trial Sample" Scam on Facebook for Dermapril-SP!

Dermapril SP/ResV
Dermapril SP, ResV Rauscher Bekke, Nutri Blvd Dermapril Sp, Nutri Blvd, How To Get Your Money Back Tucson, Arizona

Nutri Brite
Doesn't work — a scam

RezV RezV2000 Nutri Blvd
RezV Resveratrol RezV2000 Nutri Blvd Free Trial for $3.95 ACTUALLY COST $35.54 PLUS SHIPPING. Money was charged before 14 days were up

Nutri Blvd
Unauthorized charges

Nutri Blvd
Sell RezV a health supplement