Nutri Blvd
Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

This company posted 60 minutes broadcast and Dr. Oz recommendation to try this product as a free trial. The next month Nutri Blvd automatically shipped the product RezV and used my creditcard number (I used it to pay for shipping and handling) and billed me $87.97 for a bottle of 60 caplets. I went to the internet site and there is no link to cancel the subscription. I will be calling them during the work week and I will try to reach them. From what I saw from other sites on this same subject, I am going to have to have some luck. I will go to my credit card company also.

Company: Nutri Blvd
Country: USA
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RezV RezV2000 Nutri Blvd
RezV Resveratrol RezV2000 Nutri Blvd Free Trial for $3.95 ACTUALLY COST $35.54 PLUS SHIPPING. Money was charged before 14 days were up

Nutri Blvd
You order free sample (pay for shipping only) and 10 days laterthey send you more and charge your credit card $87.00 when you try to cancel no one answsers or they have no knowledge of you Miami

RezV Nutri Blvd
They gave me a free trial of rezv then they debted my account for 87.00 and have no way of contacting them did not give permissionfor them to do that

Nutri Blvd / Rez V
Nutri blvd - rez v deceptive and fraudulent internet sales and practice

RezV NutriBlvd
RezV Nutri Blvd Rip Off Really not Free Trial cancel if not satisfied

Nutri Blvd
Sell RezV a health supplement

Nutri Blvd
Threatened my credit rating—free trial not free!

Nutri Blvd
Nutri Blvd offers a free sample of their product, with paid postage. Sample arrives, NOT FREE— $87.97

Nutri Slim / Systems
If you want someone to reach into your bank account or charge your crfedit card - each and every month

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized billing