Wu-Yi Source
Continued charges even after cancellation

Health & Medicine

I used the chat service on Wu-Yi to cancel my subscription to the tea. I specifically requested cancellation of all internet charges in addition to the tea. I received a cancellation number, and no mention was ever said of continuting charges.

A 4.95 internet book fee and a 9.95 internet book fee continued to come out, even though I called them again. Finally I got on with a chat person who let me know there are two separate numbers; 1 for each of the different costs still be charged to me. They are affiliates and Wu-Yi says they are not responsible for the charges.

I had to contact both companies (which amazingly have the exact same recording of being specifically a "cancellation" line and have the same scripted operators even though there are 2 different numbers to call). Well, the first thing the recording says is that there are no refunds for past charges.

I cancelled both of them and have just chalked it up to my stupidity in not reading the fine print or asking more detailed questions when signing up for or cancelling the tea service.

Company: Wu-Yi Source
Country: USA
Site: www.wu-yisource.com
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Ripoff continued billing after cancellation

Watchindia. tv
Even Cancelling The Service Is a Royal Pain

Please, save yourself some big money!

America Online
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People PC
Refuses to cancel my account and continues to bill my credit card

Cancelling account

Consumer Report

Charging credit card AFTER cancellation Internet

Peoplepc phone/billing scam after cancelling they claim you didn't cancel but agreed to renew then they say u you didnt cancel later and bill for noncancellation

Onlinesuplra, newave, inc. Fradulent charging of credit card continues for 8 months! Ripoff U.S.A