Immediadent should be investigated for fraudulent charges and more

Health & Medicine

My family used Immediadent three times during January too bad it was all in a short period of time, and we only realized that we were getting ripped off at the last minute.

If you have ever visited Immediadent or know someone who did, you would find that unless you pay for service up front they will not administer service.

The first time we spend about three hours at the office, we just assumed they had a busy day. One person had a regular checkup and two small filings. We paid the $20 co-pay, and everything seemed normal, until we overheard the Dentist and one of the girls from the front desk started debating what they should charge for the fillings. The girl from the front desk seemed to want to charge us twice the amount but the dentist was correcting her and saying it's only half that much. We assumed they know what they are doing, she must be new, or they know better how much it costs then us. And by the way we did ask for a price chart for their basic services, but the girl at the front desk said they don't have such thing because everybody is charged different prices (which didn't make much sense to me). I didn't want to listen to her made up excuses, she was looking at us and acting as if we have asked an unreasonable question. All I know we paid our share up front and they better not make us pay more than what was agreed on.

Before we walked out we asked about a (some treatment) the Dentist recommended be done to the teeth, what the cost was and how much our insurance would cover, because we would not really want that to do the (some treatment) at this time if it was too expensive. (I guess everyone has their own definition of what is considered expensive). We agreed not to have (some treatment) done the next time.

I called Immediadent and to schedule another appointment, they take walk-ins but I hoped this way may be quicker. To make a long story short, we ended up at the office for almost three hours, and all they did was x-ray and cleaning for one person. Our insurance co-pay was $20 up front which we gladly paid at the desk; they told us insurance will cover 100% of the rest. A few weeks later a letter from the insurance company came explaining the payments to Immediadent. It showed the insurance cowered 100%, but for some reason Immediadent charged twice the amount allowed for that type of service. We assumed this was just an error, and called Immediadent to inquire about the charges. Needles to say after 30 minutes on the phone, Immediadent was sticking to the story that the remaining balance must be paid, period, even though our insurance already covered 100% of the up front agreed charges.

Keep in mind this is all happening in a short period of time and if we would have seen a problem the first time we would have never used Immediadent again.

Anyways, we made an appointment for two more filings, came in, once again it took an hour to be called in and two hours in the chair. Every time the Dentist wanted to start the fillings he was missing a piece of equipment. Even the Dentist was frustrated why nothing is prepared for the next patient, and even he was running around grabbing things form the other office. Ten minutes later the dental assistant comes in and is acting as if she didn't know her assistance was needed. She kept dropping things, replacing things, cleaning things, it was a mess. And they haven't even started yet.

After the fillings we started walking out the door, I assumed we paid everything in advanced, until the girl at the desk stopped us and asked us to sign the bill. After looking at the bill, we noticed hundreds of dollars of extra charges. We asked what that meant. And the girl explained that the charge was for that (some treatment). Excuse me, I replied the other person was confused too. Yes, yes... Just sing here, she replied. We told her to wait a second, because that does not make much sense, we didn't agree to that. All we know is that the Dentist has done something which we didn't agree for him to do. And how come we were not charged for it up-front like the other treatments? We declined to pay the extra charges, and left the office.

Now they keep calling about us needing to come back to the office for some reason, when asked why, the reply is nothing more than lies; they keep making up lies for us to come in and sign the bill at no extra charge. I did ask them not bother us anymore. My family and other people we know agree that there is something fishy about their charges and service, and we will think twice before using Immediadent-of Kentucky and Indiana again.

Company: Immediadent
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: 4420 Dixie Highway
Phone: 5024473323
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