Dirty, filthy dental procedures. Rude staff.inhumane treatment of a patient in pain due to their negligence. They refused to correct their own filthy error


Unbeknown to me, one of Clarksville's Immediadent dentists packed my dry socket without properly cleaning out the food caught in it. They didn't even wash it with any antiseptic—just sterile water. I spent that evening in torturous pain.

I returned to immediadent the next morning because my one time fee of $179 was supposed to cover follow-up visits as well and I was in EXTREME pain.

After ignoring me crying in the waiting room for 25 minutes, they violated HIPPA and told my mother and a stranger in the waiting room about how I filled out my medical history report a day earlier.

My mother let them know they violated my privacy rights and they threw us out. But not before the woman next to her provided us her name and phone number as a witness to the violation.

I begged immediadent to help me. I begged them to relieve the pain i was in.

A group of five smug women on staff just stared and snickered as I left in tears. My pain level was at least a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. They even tried to send me on a wild goose chase recommending I go to an emergency room. They knew they couldn't help me there. I swear they just wanted me to be in pain for as long as they could keep it going.

They are FILTHY, DIRTY dentists. They CAUSE infection with their FILTHY PRACTICE.

I managed to get to the nearest dental office I could find and they were so sweet and had me back as soon as I could fill out the standard forms.

Once back, the dentist examined the packed dry socket only to find that IMMEDIADENT had packed it without properly cleaning it and he found food debris ABOVE the packing paste they used. I had him write a signed note to the effect.

IMMEDIADENT is refunding 100% of my money but it wasn't until after I was HUMILIATED, tortured and TURNED AWAY.

I spent the night in horrific pain because of their DIRTY, FILTHY practice. They violated my privacy and treated me like a DOG. WORSE than a dog.

My sister happens to be a dentist but lives two hours away. She said she has never heard such a disgusting, filthy, INHUMANE story about a dentist in her life.

FIVE staff members and not one of them had any empathy for a person in severe pain.

FIVE HEARTLESS staff members that will treat a patient like GARBAGE because they didn't like being called out on violating someone's privacy.

I had thought I might not report this incident online or to the Attorney General because they were refunding my money. Upon reflection, I don't see how I can't. I woke up crying this morning, not because I was in pain, but because the experience was SO awful mentally and physically.

I feel it's my responsibility to make sure this treatment does not find it's way to another individual. The entire staff is filthy, sick, and heartless.

It's a dirty, disgusting practice and BTW, they charged me $179 for what a REAL dentist charged $93 for, just down the street.

If you WANT infection and to be treated like garbage, I recommend Immediadent.

Otherwise, go somewhere else. ANYWHERE else. A veteranarian would do better than these people.

Company: Immediadent
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Clarksville
Address: Clarksville, Indiana
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This would be malpractice, but they didn't practice

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Western Dental
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