Wuyitea, Wuyisource
Took money from my account by signing me up to others all without my knowledge

Health & Medicine

I thought i was paying p&p only because i qualified??? For a free sample of tea. I was then was contacted by my bank because i was overdrawn and had incurred many charges. Two hours at the bank later (talking to the manager, contacting head office etc) and it was all to do with Wuyi, yes they had only taken p&p the 1st month then several transactions were taken without my knowledge, 2 and 3 weeks later.

One was membership, membership to what? One was for Wuyi source and another well i dont even know what they claim that was for. They had managed to fraudently take 52;04 which then incurred charges of another 88, all this for 60 tea bags.

Fortunately i had only given details of an account which i had forgotten i had so they were not able to take anything else, however this has cost me dear and to stop any further transactions i have had to close the account totally.

They say in life what goes around comes around and i hope they get what is coming to them. Be warned do not deal with these people, i have had no response from them to refund the

United Kingdom

Company: Wuyitea, Wuyisource
Country: USA
Site: www.wuyitea.com
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WUYI Source
Unauthorized Charges

WUYI Source
Company taking automatic withdrawal without authorization!

Wu Yi Source (tea)
Wu-yi source (tea) wu-yi source teabags - major scam to keep taking money from your card details! Even when cancelled!

WuYi Tea
Unauthorized charges

SunTrust Bank
Cannot stop transactions from my accessing my checking account. Cannot close account. Exorbitant overdraft fees incurred

Wu Yi Tea
Unauthorised charges

WuYi Source - Living Lean Las Vegas Nevada
Living Lean Las Vegas Nevada - Wuyitea - Wuyisource Unauthorized withdrawals from banking account by Living Lean Las Vegas Nevada

Wu-Yi Source
Allowed another company to bill my credit card without my knowledge or giving me any knowledge that this 'living lean' was associated with WuYi source. Vasilissis Freiderikis

Wuyi Source, Living Lean, Easy Weight Loss, Wuyitea
False advertisement, unable to cancel order. Several charges to my bank account under different company names

Prefferedshoppersedge took 19.95 2 times a month for a year and i never authorized not even one time