National Fitness Center
No understanding or sympathy what so eve

Health & Medicine

I joined the National Fitness Center despite the 3 year contract because the sales person said well it is a long time but we offer a cancelation policy if you move or anything like that. So against my better judgment I joined. I have paid on my contract for 2 years now and just recently lost my job so I am no longer able to afford the luxury of a gym membership. When I called the gym they reffered me to a customer service number which promptly told me I had no other options but to "move more than 35 miles away or find a friend to buy out my contract and by the way there will be 195.00 insurance fee for the friend who buys you out". Really there is no way out of this but to try and sell it? I can't maybe just freeze it until I find a job? Well there is freeze plan but unfortunately that would only freeze your time not your payments. What the heck is wrong with you people? I have no job!!! I can't afford to pay you and now since it comes directly from my bank account I will get into big trouble if the money is not in there every month. Even credit card companies will try and work with you but these people just don't care. Long story short DO NOT sign your life away with these heartless criminals!!!

Company: National Fitness Center
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Morristown
Address: West Aj Hwy
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