Denis Cortese, M.D., President & CEO Of Mayo Clinic
Allows huge abuses by surgical and other medical staff members, half workups, surgeries without thought, then has his office staff hang up on you after the mess

Health & Medicine

This is on ripoff because Dr. Cortese's staff hung up on me several times last week, and Jill Beed cancelled her email on me after my emailing her the workup that I should have gotten before an unnecessary surgery in 1999 that is a mess to this day. Dr. Sarr, Dr. Audrey Nelson and others just did things and made assessments over the years with no labwork, consultation or thought. And this has wrecked my life and career. Because once Mayo doesn't do the workup, then everyone has an excuse for not doing it, and once Mayo botches a surgery it's a real mess of everything being cut and taken out for show.

First Dr. 1999, I came to the Mayo Clinic to straighten out a missed diagnosis problem in Ohio from 1991 I presented to the Mayo Clinic with 3 fractures and piles of complications and symptoms. The Mayo Clinic saved the tendon in one wrist, worked me up for multiple myeloma (which I didn't have), and told me I was 'melting' in Wizard of Oz terms. They read the Wizard of Oz at Mayo Clinic, but not their own publications. The endocrine bone consult guy, a national name, refused to do an estradiol, or anything evaluating hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis or even a TSH to evaluate thyroid function as it is supposed to be evaluated. Over the years I had then inflammation in an old incision, and presented with abdominal wall pain to Dr. Sarr in 1999 (and other symptoms that I had other appointments for). I thought that it was another suture abscess and agreed, with no workup just his extrapolations about the glory of Mayo Clinic, to a LIMITED LOCAL PROCEDURE TO clean out any facial scar tissue or old suture. It was to be under local, no anesthesia, and I was to be awake to make any decisions about going further. I said NO 3 times to muscle dissections or taking out any nerves or neuromas - that was my judgment and RIGHT as the patient. It was not to be a procedure into the muscles, and I tried to tell Dr. Sarr that I was there at Mayo for further workup of other symptoms and problems - which Dr. Sarr didn't discuss except to try to force me to have a resident do the procedure - which was totally inappropriate and gross. I was at Mayo for workup of premature OVARIAN failure and other auto-immune symptoms - but Dr. Sarr didn't listen and proceeded apparently to plan a NEUROMA surgery. He had an intern and student come in the procedure the next day, both knew NOTHING about the case and had very limited experience (they were help that would have been refused to be in on other surgeries = the worst kind of help as I had refused that they be part of mine). Dr. Sarr was told that a condition of the surgery was that I was to be awake, and that he was to do every step becuase of the other problems. All of that went in one ear and out the other apparently. Dr. Sarr is arrogant, narcissistic, self-serving and doesn't have to do the normal pre-op stuff at Mayo; he has a special expedited clearance arrangement = no questions asked by the surgical clearance.

Dr. Sarr had me put under anesthesia at the last moment, never checked the labs for other things, and allowed Dr. M. Baghai - who didn't even know where the pain was or anything about the case - to start fishing in my fascia. And fish and multilate she did as she couldn't cut at this point in her career. Then Dr. Sarr felt 'something' and started cutting into muscles without any scans, biopsy or workup in a SETTING of OVARIAN FAILURE OF UNDETERMINED ETIOLOGY and possibily auto-immune problems = the family history which he didn't bother to check on. He just lost it in any Chief of Surgery sense.

Dr. Sarr made a mess. And the muscles all need to be repaired, and we need a name as to who can do this. But Dr. Sarr left me with a swollen abdominal mess, smelling of the BLACK MEDICAL STUDENT'S sweat or secretions or whatever he chose to do to me without any family member present. It was was BLACK SWEAT SMELL. The dressing and closure were horrific and mutilating - totally embarassing. There was no need for the surgery after the fascia layer; the 'normal' nerve was inflammed but I mostly likely had active auto-immune thyroiditis at the time causing some of the problem. Nothing medical is every considered by surgeons - even Mayo Clinic Chief's. And needed a scan later on my ovaries anyway. So Dr. Sarr made a lifetime mess for several hundred dollars of Mayo Clinic building fund money apparently and to SHOW something to the student and intern = a normal nerve was removed. I asked that no student or intern be in the room doing anything, because I wasn't sure of the 'SHOW' and didn't want to be cut up because attendings feel the pressure to do something or show something with an audience of intern, resident or student. It changes the surgery to bring that kind of 'help' in = why I refused that any intern, resident or student be allowed to do anything in my case.

Dr. Sarr needlessly and dangerously put me through an inindicated procedure mutilating me for life. Why?

Not only that I couldn't stay then at Mayo Clinic, shocked and mutilated as I was with parents being concerned, or withstand an evaluation in gynecology = what I came for mainly. I was ripped apart and smelling of the black student until I got the dressings off. But the scar was horrible; neither Dr. Baghai or the student had any skills whatsoever - as Jill Beed likes it and makes sure happens. So I didn't get the workup, had 5 more fractures before the workup was done, and had to undergo EXTENSIVE plastic surgery in Ohio in 1999. And the Medical Board mess, that I disagreed with the wrong care of a rare medical diagnosis in Ohio, is still ongoing. If Mayo Clinic can do bad care then everyone else can the world over, and Mayo Clinic did very bad, deficient and malpractice care in my case. And still thinks that the answer is to hang up and bounce my emails.

Now none of this was 1991, Dr. Nelson should have done all the workup for a female patient having premature fractures and symptoms = thyroid, endocrine, and bone with no excuses that I was just 'melting' and come back in a year or so. It was pure laziness and arrogance by all concerned except the orthopedic. But the orthopedic was hampered with a trail of 5 watchers everytime that I saw him; my mother had to chase his hangers-on 1998, Dr. Sarr then should have allowed the whole workup (even if he had read the chart from before it would have been alarming for a normal physician/surgeon, but not his suave ego), and not been 'jumping the gun' doing an unnecessary surgery to make sure that Mayo got their chance at cutting me. CUT BABY CUT is his/Dr. Cortese's mantra.

No surgery should be done or considered without the whole workup at Mayo Clinic, and that is Dr. Cortese's fault and his leadership problem. But the lies, nastiness, and hangups that have gone on since are even worse as to resolving things and getting the muscles repaired. The lies that Dr. Sarr knew what he was doing, or did even part of the procedure, are just so hurtful - who did or made the judgments about all the cutting are still in question after 2 operative reports. No intern or student should be in on any surgery where they didn't do any of the care or workup, or where they didn't ask the permission of the patient. Jill Beed needs to have PATIENT CONSENT FORMS as I didn't consent to the surgery that I got that day, but it was just assumed that Mayo Clinic could do whatever they wanted with my body. It kept me from the workup and care that I needed that week, and probably wasn't necessary after a nerve block and treatment for the auto-immune thyroiditis causing the inflammation elsewhere.

Dr. Cortese you need to speak to me and stop allowing this kind of care and scenario = you are completely totally irresponsible, negligent, and cruel.

Company: Denis Cortese, M.D., President & CEO Of Mayo Clinic
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Rochester
Address: 200 First St. S. W
Phone: 5072842511
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Mayo Clinic General Surgery
John Bundrick MD allow unindicated unconsented for neurectomies because they can't diagnose abdominal nerve entrapments - after surgery or sports overuse - and then there isn't one surgeon who can repair the muscles c

Board of Trustees Mayo Clinic
Michael Sarr MD, John Bundrick MD allowing Dr. Sarr to do neurectomies while Dr. Bundrick publishes the non-operative treatments, no options, quickie clearances - publishing one thing and doing another - neurectomies damage muscules

Dr. Michael Sarr
Dr. Sarr does abdominal wall 'exploration' operations for possible 'neuromas' to remove normal nerves for student 'shows, ' leaves you needing >$1000 in plastic surgery and in pain for the rest of your life

Michael Sarr MD
Mayo Clinic Department of General Surgery Rochester will cut anything 'normal' out, doing procedures without consent, getting patients to sign up for 5 minute procedures and then cutting normal nerves & muscles for common mass closure practice

John B. Bundrick MD
Mayo Clinic Rochester no patient is going to trust you in an evaluation, to do a Carnett's test for abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, and not unnecessary surgery, until Dr. Michael Sarr stops neurectomized

John B. BundrickMD
Mayo Clinic Rochester publishing editor/contributor to Mayo Clin Proc with 'clinical pearls' about Carnett's maneuver to diagnose non-operative chronic abdominal wall pain

Mayo Clinic Department of General Surgery
Michael Sarr MD unnecessarily doing neurectomies x15 years for abdominal nerve entrapments - 2% lidocaine injections are the treatment - without consultation with John Bundrick MD - without patient consent - using p

Mayo Clinic Department of General & Plastic Surgery
Allows surgeons to schedule abdominal wall neurectomies on women patients, for inflamed normal nerves, without workup, consent, scans or trials of nerve blocks - cutting all abdominal muscles to pract

Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees
Mayo Clinic General Surgery allowing abdominal neurectomies without workup or consent while the Mayo Clinic Proceedings publishes how to diagnose & treat with a 2% lidocaine injection, the pseudoneuroma Mayo scam which patients

Mayo Clinic Rochester
John Bundrick MD need to check your St. Mary's OR today for how many 'neuroma' surgeries have been scheduled without a Carnett's test - to practice common mass closure deformities - it's very reassurring to be assault