Dr. Michael Sarr
Dr. Sarr does abdominal wall 'exploration' operations for possible 'neuromas' to remove normal nerves for student 'shows, ' leaves you needing >$1000 in plastic surgery and in pain for the rest of your life

Health & Medicine

Dr. MICHAEL SARR will schedule abdominal exploration operations for 'neuromas' if you think there's another old suture in an abdominal incision causing nerve or tissue inflammation & irritation. Dr. Sarr ARROGANTLY won't do any scans or studies - as he's too busy playing games/jokes with the medical students (guys mostly). The operation will be mysteriously scheduled for the next day, and he'll have special 'clearance' arranged to railroad you into tomorrow's suddenly open slot. You will tell him that you refuse anesthesia, medical students and residents - and he'll arrange that they have anesthesia drug you 20 minutes before the procedure and the resident, who never saw you before in her life (Dr. Baghai), will start the procedure and make a mess unlike anything you've ever seen done in surgery in the continental US. And you've told him 3 times that the resident is not to touch anything - but she can WATCH. But Dr. Sarr wasn't listening and thinks everything is a MAYO DEMO.

When Dr. Sarr doesn't find a suture or abnomality, as he didn't study the problem, but took what you said at 'face' value (as a possible 'guess') to schedule the procedure - instead of closing and doing the missing workup - he will proceed to cut every abdominal muscle - claiming that he feels SOMETHING - and then remove a inflammed normal nerve as a pathological 'geewhiz' specimen, claiming that he also sees some FOREIGN DEBRIS which never shows up on the pathology report. He can't admit that he didn't do the HOMEWORK and so your abdomen is cut up until he finds some excuse to stop - and the Mayo administration thinks this is ok.

It's all a medical student and resident show at Mayo Clinic Surgery for the poor sucker patient, and the procedure Dr. Sarr does was never discussed, and no one will tell you how many of these he has done or the long-term results. None of the patients seem to be seen back post-operatively, and Mayo Clinic never notices this.

This procedure was never mentioned when you spoke with Dr. Sarr. The patient is seriously hurt, and Dr. Sarr is just a bundle of laughs and one-liners - he conned you. And you've of course said that he is not to touch the abdominal muscles during the procedure, but he doesn't care as he wants to impress the students, the resident, and the OR staff by dissecting and pulling up every abdominal muscle. And the anesthesiology guy only saw you 20 minutes before and said he would 'watch' you - you never said the words 'agree to general anesthesia.' And he doesn't watch you - he lets you get BUTCHERED. Anesthesia won't question the lack of workup or studies on the chart either.

You will never again be without pain, and plastic surgery won't be able to fix what he, the resident, and the untrained medical student did to you - for a retained suture that in every other institution is under local, without a farce, and without a DR. LOVE PROCEDURE for improved life satisfaction. Now when anyone touches you, you will be in extreme pain. [Dr. Love was an ob-gyn in Ohio who did special gynecological operations to enhance sexual pleasures.] Dr. Sarr does an abdominal exploration, for an old suture, cutting the fascia of every muscle, with no emergency or study of the problem, and leaves you disfigured, mutilated and in literal shock. He then tells you to go to the hotel and never sees you in a post-op visit. Dr. Sarr tells you to 'write' him a note about how you are doing. And when you contact him that things look very bizarre, he cancels you as a patient. And Mayo Clinic defends this, but no one knows how to 'fix' the Dr. Sarr procedure back to the normal abdominal wall, and no one at Mayo Clinic can explain why he did this to you.

The incision won't heal as the Medical Student apparently spit into it (you will smell of his black cologne as if he massaged you and groped you), the muscle fascias will rip apart, and contacting the State Medical Board of Minnesota will do nothing to Dr. Sarr or Dr. Baghai. Dr. Baghia, wherever she is these days, can't cut/sew or make a surgical decision, and no matter how stupid did what Dr. Sarr told her to do in those days. The muscles won't ever heal well, and no one will understand why Dr. Sarr did this procedure to remove a 'normal' nerve. Especially as Mayo Clinic in Rochester has every consult, scan and endoscope available - but they don't use them - at least not DR. SARR of the exploration operation.

Mayo Clinic has promoted him to Chief of General Surgery and lets him do these procedures without question - though you can't find out anything about them as to statistics. Jill Beed, the Chief Legal Counsel, just thinks he's 'wonderful' - obviously has a 'personal' adoration for Dr. Sarr. You'll TRUST Dr. Sarr because the Mayo Clinic name is behind him, and it was just supposed to be a procedure under local (if Angelina Jolie can deliver twins awake, why can't the Mayo Clinic just check part of an incision for sutures/scar tissue under local?). As your parents think this is just a 'local procedure, they didn't take a flight to be there. Dr. Sarr will then lie gangbusters to your parents after he tells you that he removed a quarter size NEUROMA. Dr. Sarr will produce two versions of the operative report so that you can't figure out what really happened, and then threaten your father MD. If anyone is to be under GENERAL ANESTHESIA, then some family member should be allowed or REQUIRED to be there - especially if the procedure is NOT AN EMERGENCY. But he doesn't think in any common sense way, allow family to be there, or plan anything except to cut everything. Maybe his daughter will have to be cut up like this before he stops doing this to other people's daughters.

Why the rush, the short-sell, the multilation for student pleasure? Dr. Sarr tells the students that they have to get you back to... And you have told him 3 times that this is not to be a MEDICAL STUDENT DEMO or circus - but they don't get that message and have a field day touching you. Mayo Clinic will not stop students & residents from attempting procedures that they don't know how to do, on patients they have never seen and know nothing about. The students & residents don't read the chart.

Patients are advised to steer clear of Dr. Sarr, Dr. Baghai and the Mayo Clinic. Definitely don't trust them that ANYTHING they say is TRUE, take a bodyguard with you to all encounters, and insist on a written consent form. Because Jill Beed has arranged that there are no written consent forms, anything that Dr. Sarr says or does is allowed. Dr. Sarr is the Dr. Love of Minnesota and the students shouldn't be around any patient procedures in the main hospitals - there are plenty of clinics (and dogs) to practice in. The doing of procedures that were never discussed needs to stop.

Company: Dr. Michael Sarr
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Rochester
Address: Mayo Clinic 200 First Street SW
Phone: 5072842511
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Michael Sarr MD
Mayo Clinic Department of General Surgery Rochester will cut anything 'normal' out, doing procedures without consent, getting patients to sign up for 5 minute procedures and then cutting normal nerves & muscles for common mass closure practice

Board of Trustees Mayo Clinic
Michael Sarr MD, John Bundrick MD allowing Dr. Sarr to do neurectomies while Dr. Bundrick publishes the non-operative treatments, no options, quickie clearances - publishing one thing and doing another - neurectomies damage muscules

Mayo Clinic General Surgery
John Bundrick MD allow unindicated unconsented for neurectomies because they can't diagnose abdominal nerve entrapments - after surgery or sports overuse - and then there isn't one surgeon who can repair the muscles c

Mayo Clinic Department of General Surgery
Michael Sarr MD unnecessarily doing neurectomies x15 years for abdominal nerve entrapments - 2% lidocaine injections are the treatment - without consultation with John Bundrick MD - without patient consent - using p

John B. BundrickMD
Mayo Clinic Rochester publishing editor/contributor to Mayo Clin Proc with 'clinical pearls' about Carnett's maneuver to diagnose non-operative chronic abdominal wall pain

Mayo Clinic General Internal Medicine
John B. Bundrick MD sitting on cases of abdominal nerve entrapments, with Dr. Sarr is doing unnecessary surgeries for the last 15 years - no Carnett's test, common mass closures for 'practice' where Sarr cuts all 3 abdom

John B. Bundrick MD
Mayo Clinic Rochester no patient is going to trust you in an evaluation, to do a Carnett's test for abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, and not unnecessary surgery, until Dr. Michael Sarr stops neurectomized

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
MN Board of Medical Practice allows Mayo Clinic physicians to do elective procedures/anesthesia without discussion/consent or need - no consent forms, no discussions, when you refused the intern/resid

Mayo Clinic Department of General & Plastic Surgery
Allows surgeons to schedule abdominal wall neurectomies on women patients, for inflamed normal nerves, without workup, consent, scans or trials of nerve blocks - cutting all abdominal muscles to pract

Denis Cortese, M.D., President & CEO Of Mayo Clinic
Allows huge abuses by surgical and other medical staff members, half workups, surgeries without thought, then has his office staff hang up on you after the mess