CSG Health Mor INC. Filterqueen
Csg health mor inc. Filterqueen ripped me off. All lies, nothing is real. Just a big waste of time and gas

Health & Medicine

This company is one ofthe BIGGEST scams you will ever come across. They get you drawn in and say all this good stuff at the beginning and then the real stuff starts coming out of the wood work. They have you come in for an interview and they hire you cus they say you are a good person and willing to change and all that BS. Thne on the last day of training they have you sign a paper saying you will make this ammount of money. Well then you sign a paper saying you are an independant contractor. So your contract that you signed for the Xamount of money goes out the door. They scam you to make money off your family and friends basically.

I answerd the ad from the news paper and I regret it. I wasted my time, my families time, and Iwasted gas that I could not afford because I thought this was gonna be a life changing thing. It wasn't and if Icould I'd go and beat the living hell out of DENNIS and SCOTT, those were the trainers that were sucking us all in. I'm sorry for any one who has been cought up in this. I truly am sorry. I got sucked in to and now I see right through them.

Company: CSG Health Mor INC. Filterqueen
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Ashland
Site: filterqueen.com
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