Janet Brown Will / Nelson Powell & Ass.< Western Geco, David Williams
Consumer Report


I'm a busy single mom who has been looking for a better job & a better life for my son & I. If someone is going to will me $10 million dollars of coarse I'm going to say yes, I could afford to move the hell away from here and this horrible life that I have here in Ohio. Get away from all these money heathens that harass me all the time while I'm busy trying to make ends meet with my son & now it's little con artists & scammers that I have to watch for just because I'm looking for a better job & a better life for us. It's funny how people know about scammers & all this bad stuff that goes on but nobody ever does anything to stop it or help or do the right thing, it's like who do you trust? When your looking for a job you have no choice but to reveal at least some personal info. About yourself so the employer can get to know you & decide if he wants to hire you. You have to be somewhat be personal & develop a rapport with them in hopes to make a decent living.in other words, you have to eventually at some point in time, have no choice but to end up trusting someone or your not going to have a job. At least that's been my experience because I've never been lucky enough to work for family or friends or even decent people. I am a good person with a good heart, I have the feeling that these scammmers are aware of that, I wish I wasn't because it does nothing but hurt me & cost me. I guess all the good people in the world are hiding at home & don't have to work because they sure aren't out in the work world trying to make it. I was so busy working & trying to find a better job when this Janet Brown emailed me & told me she felt the same way about people & the world & that she had no relatives that she could trust to do good with her money. I said yes that I would do good with her money but didn't really think it was true, I went back to work & continued to look for things, it's hard to keep track of dates when your so busy. But some time passed & I started hearing from her & her attorney again, she was supposably closer to death now & they wanted to know if I wanted to be the beneficiary & I said yes. Then there were all these steps I had to follow, they didn't ask me for any money but it takes so much time & energy away from finding real jobs, I feel like all these little job scams & money scams cost me emotionally & it does add up with driving around wasting gas on a wild goose chase, thinking your doing something good & beneficial. I don't have the latest office supplies so I have to pay to fax things & print things, scan things, etc. I went to the bank to find out if they would even deposit that kind of $ into my measly little checking acct. That's when I found out not to trust the will thing when you've never met them, my banker google searched her name & sure enough it was a scam that had been done before, why do they always find me? What concerns me is when these people ask for personal info. From you, you trust them because like I said you have no choice because you need a job or $ and they are supposably good people, blah, blah, blah. I really don't know why these people aren't burning in hell, how they talked about God & used the guilt trip with her dying of cancer, there probably is no Janet Brown. What concerns me is how these people work together, like now I'm getting all these emails from Western Geco telling me they will be sending me money to purchase all this computer stuff for this job. It all sounds too good to be true so it probably is, so why don't they just leave me alone? I am a good person who has been through hell herself and I really don't deserve this, I deserve a good job with decent normal people, not to be preyed upon like this. I have no money anyways, this Western Geco person's name is David Williams is he tied into it with this Janet Brown thing? He hides away & then pops back on there saying oh ya you still have a job with us, it's just been taking awhile in accounting. And what's with this wire money to far away places thing? There was another guy named David awhile back, I was supposed to be his personal assistant, I thought it sounded like a good job, work from home, make my own hours, like people supposably do, I thought it sounded like pretty good money for what little work was involved. I've had it the other way for way too long, where I'm working my butt off for very little money. Anyways, this David guy wanted me to process checks, I would receive checks for payment from people then I was supposed to wire the $ to far away places & take a % of the check for my payment. The very first check I processed was returned for insufficient funds. What do these people get out of doing this, how are they able to get away with it & why? Who is paying them to sit at home & think of doing things like this to human beings? How do they even know each other to work together & pull stuff like this off? I think they are all tied together this David guy from awhile back, Janet Brown & now this David Williams at Western Geco. I guess it's all because I'm trying to find a good job, which is just baffling to me that this stuff comes about just because of that, when I'm just trying to do the right thing. It's going to cost me a fortune if I have to change all my personal info. I can't change my phone number & email because I have it on my resume for too many job openings, in hopes that 1 of them is legitimate & a good 1 and will call. Too many important people have that # for my son, schools etc. I shouldn't have to change my # or email for money heathens, con artists & scammers anyways, they should burn in hell or not exist.

Company: Janet Brown Will / Nelson Powell & Ass.< Western Geco, David Williams
Country: USA
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