Multi Level Network Marketing

Health & Medicine

Save your money and stay away from this "opportunity" in Dietary Supplements. I got involved in this scheme through a friend that I trusted. Everyone that I met who was involved in the "business" were for the most part smart, sharp and happy. There were a lot of doctors and some sports celebrities.

I agreed to go to Houston to an "Academy" to check things out. Again, the people involved were much different than any other MLM I had seen. The place oozed of success and the presentations were well put together and engaging.

The 3 masterminds behind this scheme are Lou Gallardo, Barry Cocheau, and Steve Redman. They will make you leave their academy feeling like you have to get involved quickly or someone will take your market before you. They convince you that, although not easy at first, their proven method will generate tremendous risidual income for you that will bring you financial independence. They also convince you that you have to come in a high level (spend lots of money) otherwise you will miss out on the mulitple levels that can build below you.

Here's the problem. While the products are good, they are extremely overpriced and your friends and family can't afford to buy them. They only way to make money is by convincing someone to spend the ridiculous amounts of money that you did getting involved in the business and buying tons of product that will sit in a storage unit that you will also get the privilege of paying for.

Before you get involved in this or any other Multi-Level Marketing scheme, read this:

These con artists know how to prey on your hope that there is an easy way to financial success. I knew deep down that there is no easy way, but for some reason I let these guys suspend that belief. Get back to your real job!

Deland, Florida

Company: Amerisciences
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 2772 Bingle Road
Phone: 7134649541
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Is a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing company that Misrepresents Business Opportunity to Doctors and other Professionals

Tarantin Entertainment
James Tarantin Investment Scheme? Multilevel Marketing / Pyramid Scheme? Caveat emptor!

Tarantin Entertainment
James Tarantin Investment Scheme? Multilevel Marketing / Pyramid Scheme? Caveat emptor!
Rip-off! Multi-level marketing ponzi scheme pure and simple having NO product

WestMac - Symmetrydirect
Brady & John Deceptive Job Ads, Multi-level Marketing, Kalamazoo Area

Marketing Systems, Savanh Marketing, Savanh Marketing Systems Inc, Cavalier Marketing, Cydcor, Savanh
Marketing Systems, Savanh Marketing, Cavalier Marketing, Cydcor, multi-level marketing scheme, Ds-max, Pyramid scheme

Rocky Top Marketing Group
Door to Door Selling / Multi Level Marketing Scheme

Nouveau Tech Secret Society
Nouveau Tech is a Multi-Level Marketing Scheme

Shannon Catizone
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The Phoenix Group / L.A. Marketing Firm, Inc
L.A. Marketing Firm, Inc. The Phoenix Group Cydcor The Ad Group Door to Door Sales, pyramid scheme, Multi Level Marketing, deceptive business practices, Unprofessional, bad history