Shannon Catizone
Scam, Rip Off, Multi Level Marketing, MLM, Pyramid Scheme

Internet & Web

Shannon Catizone is a deceptive, money hungry, internet marketing guru who will tell you anything you want to hear in order to get your initial investment, then leave you high and dry once she gets what she wants. She'll create a "sense of urgency" so as to get you to think that she is ultra selective of who she recruits to whichever Multi Level Marketing scheme she may be "selling" this month. She skips from one scheme to the next and promises her devoted following that she has the ultimate get rich MLM marketing scheme of the moment. Pathetic. And once she gets you on board, she makes you listen in on her "conference calls" and pep talks, only to have you realize that everyone on the conference calls is another sucker for her fake blonde charm (everyone on those conference calls sounds so depressed and hopeless - which in short time will include you as well). Avoid this woman like the plague if you can! DO NOT fall prey to whatever internet scam she is promoting at the time. Shannon if you are reading this - which I'm sure you will be - SHAME ON YOU for your empty promises! You are truly PATHETIC and you will soon get what you deserve. I may never get my hard earned money back from you, but you WILL get yours. Soon.

Company: Shannon Catizone
Country: USA
Phone: 60363527
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Tarantin Entertainment
James Tarantin Investment Scheme? Multilevel Marketing / Pyramid Scheme? Caveat emptor!

Tarantin Entertainment
James Tarantin Investment Scheme? Multilevel Marketing / Pyramid Scheme? Caveat emptor!

Marketing Systems, Savanh Marketing, Savanh Marketing Systems Inc, Cavalier Marketing, Cydcor, Savanh
Marketing Systems, Savanh Marketing, Cavalier Marketing, Cydcor, multi-level marketing scheme, Ds-max, Pyramid scheme
Rip-off! Multi-level marketing ponzi scheme pure and simple having NO product

Rocky Top Marketing Group
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WestMac - Symmetrydirect
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