UMC University Medical Center Tucson's UMC Emergency Care
Retribution after complaining to hospital

Health & Medicine

This is a hospital of inefficient, vain, immoral and sadistic idiots that pumps out publicity and utterly untrue awards for itself and legalistically harassess those who are exempliary enough to "effectively" complain.

After clearly and very surely being sexually harassed by a hispanic male and blond female, after utterly unnecessary medical proceedures which I very clearly asked not to be performed twice, after being disfunctionally and egoistically variously harassed by everything from orderlies to the female who takes order over the phone for meals, after another male orderly wanted to know how cool he was and said he would like to stay and take morphine with me but that his shift was over, I actually went back to the hospital to complain to the female nurse who has charge over the entire hospital for emergencies.

The result is that a member of the hospital staff sent me a letter that said I was not welcome back at the hospital, and that if I came back for any reason the police would be called and I would be arrested for tresspassing.

This is the type of behavior by apparently senior hospital jobs that should result in not only an intelligent loss of patients, but the loss of hospital jobs. I patiently explained the above vain, repeatedly illegal, invasive and sadistic behavior of the staff to the female who monitors all hospital proceedures. When it got to the point of the utter failure of hospital security (I had actually been stabbed in my home and given a false name and an age of 107

Company: UMC University Medical Center Tucson's UMC Emergency Care
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 1501 N Campbell Ave
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