Mojo Publishing Company
Supplied sub-standard product and failed to honour guarantee or answer any emails

Education & Science

I bought Hypnotic Seduction Gold' from Mojo Publishing Company at $197.99. Their website address is And their contact details are given as: MJP POB 31598 Baltimore, MD 21207 - Tel 914.861.1992 Fax 603.368.6355.

Their product Hypnotic Seduction Gold' turned out to be a complete rip-off. The product itself is virtually worthless (probably written by an illiterate school kid). But apart from being completely substandard, the guarantee is completely worthless. Here is the working of the guarantee:

Try The Complete HYPNOTIC-SEDUCTION SYSTEM GOLD. Completely Risk Free For 3 Months! That's Right... 3 Full Months! You Must Be Absolutely and Totally 100% Satisfied and Delighted... Simply Try Just One of the Many Amazing Seduction Techniques Found in this INCREDIBLE PROGRAM... And If for ANY reason you find that you don't Get The Amazing Results With Women You Desire or You Don't Find This System Works As Powerfully As I Have Promised Here... Or If You don't... Attract more beautiful women than you have in your entire life... I Will Cheerfully Issue A Full Refund To You!!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

This guarantee is worthless because all email requests for a refund are completely fact, all emails on any subject are completely ignored. Mojo Publishing Company seem to have three email addresses:, and But all emails are ignored.

I strongly urge anybody coming across this site to give it a wide berth. The owners are nothing but scoundrels and con-artists.

United Kingdom

Company: Mojo Publishing Company
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: MJP POB 31598
Phone: 9148611992
  <     >  


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