Bella Clear
Ripped off by this company

Health & Medicine

I ordered this product and got it a few days ago. I did not have a chance to use it long enough to see if it works. I actually had it in my possession for 5 days. So I understand that I did not return it in a timely manner. However, when I called them I was on hold for over 55 minutes once, 45 minutes the next time and 35 minutes the last time, before hanging up. When I called they told me they had no guarantee for thier product, as they "are not Pro-Active". If it doesnt work that is not "their problem". It feels like a scam since the days you have to use it are counted from the day ordered, not recieved. My sons face is worse now than before using the product and I need to take him in for a doctor visit.

Please do not let this company scam any one else.

Company: Bella Clear
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
Phone: 8007300042
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Bella Clear
Ripped off!

Bella Clear
Rip off quickly boulde
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Dont do it

No customer service at all

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

AcaiBerry Supreme
Took unauthorized money out of my account