This company offers weight loss pills to the public with overnight and handling charges as well., advertise that there is no RX needed. Then hacve to get the approval of your physician!

Health & Medicine

I ordered a weight loss pill from this company who promises overnight delivery IF you pay an unbeleivable amount for overnight, and also 19.95 for handling charge, as well as 19.95 per month for being a member able to get a cheaper rate on these appetite suppressant pills.

They contacted my physician - after insisting I give them them the info... And the physician wnts me to contact him to pprove the pills. NO RX!!?? Oh yeah RIGHT! What do you think physician approval is???

I am VERY upset that I have paid for overnight, and the member charge, and the handling charge. And the pill charge. And now I have been "dooped" about the Physican approval / NO RX!!! This compan is a very Bad business to deal with.


Country: USA
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Physician's Weight Loss Center
Gainesville, VA They tout that they have a Physician and they will do a customized plan. I am 52, my daughter is 17. Told me I have the same metabolism as a 17 year old

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Ripped me off 18.95, that was the amount for overnight delivery, of course they didn't send it

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