
Health & Medicine

I ordered guiafenisen online and got a comfirmation by e mail. For 108. Oo dollars... To be charged to my check card... This was in the second week of may... It stated that this formula would not ship until may 22...

So i got suspicious when the phones don't work and the web can only be seen as the first page. Can't go anywhere on it... It was stated that it would appear as medvitamins on my statement... So far the bank states that the charge has not been taken out and i put a stop on my check card... They will try to flag the payment...

Well i hope that they are caught for taking advantage of sick people. This makes me very leery of doing business on the net...

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
Address: 1602 Alton Rd. Suite 434
Phone: 8666816196
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Rip-off! They take your money and never deliver goods!
Inconsistant—Will Not Return Calls or E-Mails

Bank of America
Card Information used to make transaction at Gas Station

Kit Access
Success Grents this company listed for a trial offer you could use the site for 1.00 the other stated use for 2.95 however they ended up chargeing my credit card for 79.86 and lied that it stated this in the offer

Adele Services
Credit Card Fraud
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Scratch 'n Scram Processing and Handling fees way too high. No way to review order before submitted. No contact info. Deceptive advertising on webpage

Houshold Bank
Household Bank purposely makes mistakes with online payments

Collection Ambassador
Captured my checking account information online and used it to charge me $230