Ripoff stole my money with out me knowing it I've never even heard of this company

Health & Medicine

They stole my money and I've never even heard of this company

Company: Healthydiscountcard
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8006494065
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Simple Escapes2
Ripoff stole my money

Ripoff my credit card on internet without me knowing

IK9 Privacy Matters
I never heard of this company until they stole $19.95 out of my account Norwich
Ripoff money $159 help us get are money back into his account he is 67 years old and need the money

Ever Private
Thieves stole my money ripoff

PVC Inc. My Computer Club
This "company" stole money from my checking account! I've NEVER heard of this company

Credit Protection Assoc. L.P
They stole my SS#, and sent me a bill for electric used by some Co. I never heard of

E Credit Solution
Ripoff, stole money from account

Privacy Matters/Privacy Matters ID
Privacy heck, they stole money from my account. Never heard of the company, googled them. Sherman
Stole money from my checking acct