Ever Private
Thieves stole my money ripoff


I never heard of this company until a charge showed up on my account for 54.95 for something I never ordered I have turned them into every agency I can think of including the police They stole my money out of my checking account without my permission and I want them arrested if I can and I hope others will do the same

Company: Ever Private
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Clemente
Address: 2935 Hierro
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Vantage Funding
Consumer Report

Ever Private Card
Without my knowledge or permission withdrew $99.80 from my checking account. This was on a check that requires no signature from me, due to this unauthorized withdraw my bank deducted $54.00 in nsf funds

Ever Private Card
This company stole $49.95 out of my checking account without my authorization

Ever Private Card
Stole my money ripoff

Momentum Direct
Stole money from my bank account twice! We demand justice, now. Where's the State Attorney General, BBB, ICC, FCC

Edp Reporting
Stole my money from my checking account. (99.00 and 49.95 and again 49.95)

Ever Private Card
Took money from my account without authorization ripoff

Illegally stole money from my mothers account withour permission!

Galleria USA ripoff thieves stole money from my account

Ever Private Card
Stole 49.95 from my savings account, and i want it back