Gold's Gym
Ripoff I moved and gave perfect proof, but still no refund!

Health & Medicine

I joined Gold's Gym last year in September. I told them when I joined I would be moving back to Montana, but the guy there said just sign up for a year since it is cheaper a month, and you can cancel when you move. Sounded good to me.

The first time I went in they set me up with a trainer, who talked me into 18 sessions. Stupid I know, but I figured what they hey. I only ended up using half of them, and I did pay for all of them upfront. So when I moved in December, I contacted the gym, and they said I needed a cancellation form filled out and send it to corporate. So I filled it out, it was mailed from Montana, with a Montana post mark, plus I included mail from there as well in my name with my new adress, and new phone number.

I waited several weeks, and called the gym and they said I was denied cancellation? I asked why, they said the number I gave was invalid, which doesnt make any snese. Then I asked for corporate phone number, was refused. I keep getting runaround from Jessie and Kevin two nit wits at this location. They keep saying someone will call me. I have also sent numberous emails through the website with no reply. I was told by Jessie, I am due 600$ for the training sessions I did not use.

Also to make matters worse they are still deducting 38$ a month out of my old checking account that only receives sporadic child support, so right now I am in the negative because of this gym, and am being charged by my bank.

Also looking at the contract, it doesn't have my signature or any one elses from the gym, it has the wrong adress, and email. Does this count for something?

I am so furious about this, I will keep writing till I get to someone I geuss.

Company: Gold's Gym
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
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