
Health & Medicine

I started business with a company called in September 05; the owner at the time was Mr. Steve Dinerman. At first the working relationship was great, Mr. Dinerman paid with a credit card on all transactions.

After several months of business transactions Mr. Steve Dinerman requested the ability to pay monthly and I agreed. Several months later his account started to get out of hand and was past due in the approximate amount of $5876.32. I approached Mr. Dinerman and requested payment; he said he would pay me in good time. No payment was ever received he avoided my like the plague never returned my calls and made no attempt to pay my company back for product sent to his customers. I spent hours pleading for payment with his so-called sales staff with no results. At the time it was very painful for my company as we were young and just starting out and it put us in very painfull situation. Mr. Steve Dinerman claimed to be a lawyer, I found it hard to believe a man of such education would steal form my company. His business was located in Florida therefore I had little recourse for collections and we decided to write off the loss. I waited in hopes he would pay his bill but knew in my heart he new the law and had no intention of paying my company back.

Several months later I decided to try again, I called and confronted a new gatekeeper, I was told the company was just sold and there was no way I was going to get paid. Mr. Dinerman was gone, just like our money he was gone and the hopes of collection vanished.

After watching a new series on TV called My Name Is Earl a great show I might add, about a man who makes a list to make right on all his wrongs, a funny thought came to mind; maybe someday Mr. Steve Dinerman will make a list of his own.

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
Address: 1602 Alton Rd
Phone: 3055323655
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