711 store
Food that fell on the floor put right back in the pan with other food to be cooked and served to the public


Around 6.05A.M. On wed. July 3 i went in to the 711 to obtain a walk on my way to work. After flowing our coofee i visited the counter to cover it. But did not in the beginning visit a worker, after i appeared to by left i notice a male worker, minor sturdy in construct, aroung 6feet high slighty balding along with his mind placing frozen chicken wingletts in a range tray without any gloves on-but that then really bother me because he was flowing them in from a plastic case, while about 3 of these fell on the ground. I view him, and he did the unthingable he picked them up and put them right within the pan to become cooked using the other food he poured in i could not beleived my eyes. While he turned around ahead to the counter and saw me he appeared surprised. And that i could'nt included myself, i stated so 711 today serves its coustomer food of the ground. He never said a. And that i said it again by now, another 711 worker arrived and across the counter and just viewed both people. He was tall and more slim. I named the 1800 quantity of the screen, but so drop no body has called me i recognized 711 doesn't care of feeds filthy food of the ground because its being served by its personnel i suppose they saved money when food their fall about the dirty rat infested germ-infested surfaces.

Company: 711 store
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Bryans Road
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Burger King
Not using glove when servicing food

Taco Bell
Did not get my food after waiting almost 30 mins

Burger King
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Kentucky Fried Chicken
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Old Food - selling old food

King House
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Unlawful termination and raw food being served

My store is run by Junkies

Pizza Hut
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Burger King
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