Best Buy
Wrong software - Return Policy

Electronics and household app.

I purchased my New Toshiba from Best Buy in Mansfield TX. I have been shopping there for years now. I have probably spent well over ten thousand dollars with this store.

When I got this computer, I told the salesman that I used Quckbooks simple start for my books. I wanted to go ahead a purchase Quickbooks. I paid for Best Buy to install everything on my computer, and transfer all my files.

That was in Oct. Now that the end of the year is looming I was going to close out the year and do the paperwork I had been putting off. To my dismay I discovered that Best Buy had sold me, and installed Quicken instead of Quickbooks, and they do not talk to each other.

I took everything back to Best Buy and ask them to trade the programs. The Manager told me I had waited too long, and he would do nothing. He did say that if I bought Quickbooks, they would install it on my computer for free!

So now I have paid $100.00 for something that is totally useless to me. I am so disapointed in Best Buy, I told the manager that I would never shop in his store again!

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
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