Comm South
COMMSOUTH horror stories

Electronics and household app.

First, I came upon this site by accident. I was looking for a web address for CommSouth so I could complain to their senior management about their service.

I have about twenty horror stories I could share but this one takes the cake. I have been double billed by CommSouth and then overbilled for features that I have asked to be removed. My ENTIRE balance is a bill that they have admitted to double/over bill. But get this, they told me to pay it anyway and wait for the credit. When I tried to explain to them that I don't owe anything but what they over/double charged me, they told me to pay it anyway or my phone would be disconnected.

I told them that I would wait for the credit. They told me that I "could wait for a miracle" (exact words) and hope my phone stayed on in the process.

Anyone else have this problem?

Company: Comm South
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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