Nu Clear Wireless
Stay WAY CLEAR of, Yorba Linda Blvd., CA!

Electronics and household app.

Do not do business with:

Nu Clear Wireless
3141 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831
(714) 985-1400
Sunny Chon, Owner

Last May my wife purchased her pager from Nu Clear Wireless. She prepaid for a full year service contract.

In mid-October we were notified by one of our staff members (we own a nursing home) that when she tried to page us she received an "out of service" message.

We contacted Nu Clear and were told that a virus had wiped out the hard drive on the computer that was hosting our service... But not to worry, our service would be up and running the next day. The next day we paged ourself and got the "out of service" message. We let several more days go by, trying to give the owner a little more time to re-activate our service. We called the owner, and he said it would be back in service by the end of the week. Five days went by, still no service. We called the owner again and he asked us to bring our pager in so he could re-activate it. He said it would only take a few days. After another week had passed (still no service) my wife and I purchased another pager and another one year pager contract from another company ($70).

Another month went by... Still no service. I called the owner and he said the pager was ready. A few days later I stopped in the store to pick it up and he said it was not ready. I told him I was getting really upset at his total lack of service, and... Get this... He stood up, SLAMMED his fist down on the table right in front of where I was standing and said that he was getting sick and tired of customers coming into his store complaining to him. I lost my cool and yelled back at him.

He then went on to say the following:

1. He had recently bought the company.

2. Previous owner stole his customer database

3. He wasn't responsible for my contract since it was with the previous owner.

I told him that if he bought the business, it had to include all of the existing contracts and customers... Or what else was he buying?

He told me that he would have the pager back to me very soon... That he had sent it out to another company to "decode" the pager. The way he was talking about the decoding process, you would have thought it was an extremely difficult process... However, when I spoke with an owner of another pager/wireless store... He said it was easy... Taking no more than five minutes MAX... Anyone could do it with the proper equipment... And everyone in this business has the proper equipment.

My wife called a week later and they told her the pager was ready. Several days later my wife went into the store get it, and the owner told her that the pager was not there... That it was still at the other store in Cerritos. My wife told him that was ridiculous, and the owner said he couldn't get it because he would have to close his store to do it. (Question... Hasn't this guy ever heard of U.S. Mail? It would cost about $1.00 to have had the pager mailed from Cerritos to Fullerton). Anyway, the owner sent one of his employees to Cerritos to pick the pager up.

Today, December 10th, I called the store to let them know that I was coming in to pick up the pager. I said I just want the pager... I don't want to get into a fist fight with the owner. This employee told me that they always act professionally (yeah, right). I came into the store and the owner said that if I could just give him a few more days... They had almost "cracked the decoding numbers" on the pager. I said, "no thanks" and left with the pager.

I am considering filing small claims court proceedings, whereupon I will sue for the following:

1. Half year pager service ($35).
2. Cost of new pager and service ($70)
3. Lost time at $200 per day ($400)
4. Filing and court fees ($100)

For a grand total of $605.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when my wife went into the store, she was nine months pregnant... The store owner started yelling at her. She said, "now you're going to yell at a pregnant lady?"

All in all, WAY beyond just poor customer service. These guys had no intention of fixing the problem.

The worst business experience I've ever had.

Company: Nu Clear Wireless
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fullerton
Address: 3141 Yorba Linda Blvd
Phone: 7149851400
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