Verizon Wireless
Customer Service

Electronics and household app.

The worst customer service! Atrocious, incompetent and untrained personnel. Total waste of time. Rude, disrespectful and only know how to say I'm sorry.

Originally Verizon Wireless had what could be call fairly good customer service. Now it is the absolute worst. I have spent more than 40 hours of my time speaking with customer service and it is always the same process of incompetency. The records they keep are usually incomplete and inaccurate. I have had to babysit virtually everything they say they are going to do because there is no feeling of accountability. I have been promised so many things that would never have come true if I not harassed them. I have far better things to do with my time than babysit a company that can't even answer the question, "How many minutes have I used on my mobile hotsot?" What an unfortunate waste of everyone's time!

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Washington
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