Brack Electronics
Insurance Policy misrepresentation

Electronics and household app.

On Aug. 28 I bought a Runco cl420 Projector from Brack Electronics which cost me around $6,300. At the time of the purchase, the sales person offered supplemental insurance for this projector from a third party called W3 Solutions which added an extra $700 to the bill. This insurance, I was told was to cover any and all repairs for up to seven years including (and this was the selling point for me) bulb replacement. According to the sales person, the bulb assembly alone for this unit would cost $ other words, I could just get a newer, brighter bulb through this policy. I thought it was more like an investment into the projector's second bulb. Of course at the time of purchase, we had no contract from the third party insurer (W3 Solutions) and I was told it would later arrive from the insurer (after I've committed to and paid for the insurance). Last year (December) I thought I'd look into getting my bulb replaced as the projector was becoming dim over these five or so years. When I called W3 Solutions, they told me that one, the policy wasn't for seven years but five instead (I luckily managed to call them a few months in advance of it's expiration so that wasn't really a problem) and two, more importantly that the policy doesn't and never did cover bulb replacement. I know it's my problem for having paid for a policy that I couldn't yet read (cause it wasn't available) but I'm asking that Brack Electronics take some responsibility for their committments. Either I was misled or simply lied any case, I have not recieved the services that I was promised. I have called Brack Electronics owner about 10 times over the past three months and he has yet to return my calls. I have given him ample opportunity to resolve this problem and have received no response to date. I am asking him to at least honor the terms of our agreement and replace the bulb assembly as promised by Brack Electronics, or give me my $700 insurance money back.

Company: Brack Electronics
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Toronto
Address: 81A Ronald Ave, Toronto, ON M6E 4M9 Canada
Phone: 4163663636
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