Magic jack no good

Electronics and household app.

I had my magicjack appx. 2 months. It gave me the worst phone service i ever had. The old saying if it sounds to good to be true it usally is. Well that is this device!!! Almost every morning i had to re-start it. People would call me all times of day and would get the same response "unavailable". The advertising does not explain all the trouble you could have with it. My computer is new and that is not the problem. Back to a montly bill. At least it will work now

Country: USA
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Hydro Thunder Watersports, Old Town Tours Inc
Hydro Thunder Watersports, Old Town Tours theft, stole yacht, liar, crook, thief

Fraudelently removed money out of the wrong account

Magic Jack
Magic Jack phone service On 8/28 my MJ service was cancelled, MJ rep said I had violated the TOS by making 20 times the av MJ user number of calls. No refund. I had purchased 5 add years in 5. I did not have the MJplus

Misleading advertising

Magic Jack
Don't Buy MagicJack - magic jack phone service

Magic Jack
Very Poor Customer service - tech support

Magic Jack
Bad Connection - magic jack internet phone

Magic jack
Magic jack plus magic jack almost burned my house down and they refused to believe me

Magic Jack
YMAX Communications Corporation Magicjack device doesn't work. West Palm Beach Florida

Magic Jack
Bad voice connection right from the start