Magic Jack
Call fowarding outage

Electronics and household app.

Magic Jack Has a Call Fowarding Outage On 10/19. If you Own A Magic Jack and try to Foward Your Calls To Either A AT&T, Or Verizon Phone Number, Callers Will Get " We Are Sorry Your Call Can Not Be Completed As Dialed.
This is A Major Problem.
I Finally Found Out Myself with NO Help from Magic Jack They are having "Switching Problems"
I Tried Forwarding to My Metro PCS Phone And It Worked Fine.

There problem is They MUST get a Customer Service PHONE number. You go back and forth my IM, with people at the other end that know NOTHING.
The keep telling you to run upgrades.
Get it Straight once you forward your phone you can BREAK the Magic Jack Into Pieces.
Call forwarding runs by a switch in a central Office.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
State: Florida
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