Fraud! - Received broken, used phone almost 3 weeks after ordering, they won't refund my money

Electronics and household app.

Fraud alert!!! - This company is a joke. I didn't get my phone for almost 3 weeks after ordering it (and calling several times to get BS reasons why it hadn't shipped), when it arrived it was used and broken and missing the manuals, etc. I called to tell them I wan't my money back and they won't refund it all and want me to pay to ship it back to them before they refund (yeah right!). This is outright theft.

Company: Cell2Get
Country: USA
Site: cell2get.com
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Fraud alert

Eve's Addiction (evesaddiction.com)
Eve's Addiction, broken earrings and still no refund - Veronica's Glamorous Triple Teardrop CZ

Enzyte - www.AskEnzyte.com - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff! Rude customer service! Fraudulent billing!

Ira Woods & Sons
Fraud, fraud, fraud

Also found on ebay Sent me a broken unit and tried to make me pay to ship new item. Tried to make paypal refund me still making me pay shipping. Now I think sent broken on purpose to try to get more of my money. It does

Replicahause.com alicia jenson rip off stay away. Ordered watch. Was delivered broken. Sent back. No refund. Kept my money! No answer to emails alicia jenson bangkok thailand

Fraud rip-off alert fraud rip-off alert. Another for this company

Fredrick Ramond Incorporated
Ripoff Awful Quality and Awful Customer Service

ArmyNavyDeals.com They never shipped any items and kept my money

Tiger Direct - TigerDirect.com
Beware of fraud & theft: error processing refunds, charged for orders & refused to ship, poor customer service!