Sears/Hoover steam vac
Hoover Steam vacuum

Electronics and household app.

Required my Hoover Steam Vacuum to the local Sears wherever I bought to shampooer. I bought it 08/25/08 plus a 3-year warranty. Your sears individuals are so good and assurred me it'd be set and back again to our sears in per week to five times. Then I obtain a phone from Yavonne informing me I'd no guarantee about the whirlpool. After fighting together with her that I did so. She advised me to contact Nancy at SCS NCR and Nancy stated she'd look after it for me personally. Weeks later and several calls later I eventually get ahold of George and he claims he shampooer was fixed and could be at our sears on Friday. It had been. Nowadays being the very first dry pretty comfortable evening I chose to clear my

Rugs and reduced and see IT HAD BEEN NOT FIXED!!! Who do I visit alongside obtain the shampooer fixed? Or may they atleast deliver me a furniture line to displace the broked one. I truly require the line set or changed but fear needing to delay three or four months to obtain it completed. Im so frustrated with Sears.


Terry Davis

19388 ch 70

Forest, Ohio 45843


Company: Sears/Hoover steam vac
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Forest
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Still awaiting shampooe

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