Buyer beware! Hong Kong

Electronics and household app.

I ordered an item in March requested and paid for express shipping, and it took a month to receive the item. Not acceptable, but I would be willing to let it go since it was coming from Hong Kong.

However, the item was not functional when received! So I contacted customer service and was instructed to send the item the item back at my expense for repair or replacement. I did as instructed, and here it is July and no repaired or replacement item has arrived. I contact customer service again and was basically told that I am out of luck, because they aren't responsible for items lost in the mail.

So let me get this straight, I send you money, you send me broken junk, I spend MORE money to send it back, and you "never receive it" and thus have no intention of fulfilling the order as agreed upon when I placed the order. I call that stealing, so as far as I am concerned, is a ring of thieves. Buyer beware, do not order from this questionable company!!

Company: MP4Nation
Country: USA
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