6 Weeks without a computer, still waiting on replacement PC - HORRIBLE HORRIBLE service!

Electronics and household app.

I bought a refurbished Vostro 1510 about 7-8 months ago. We've bought a ton of dells over the years, never had too many problems, thought it was an easy way to go.

From when I bought the laptop until around Feb., I had several problems:
1. One speaker was broken, they replaced the cover/speaker.
2. NVIDIA graphics chip (onboard) gave tons of problems, turns out it was a system wide thing - replaced the motherboard.
3. CPU errors (turn on the comp and the num lock stays on, other two blink).
4. Slot-loading DVD drive broke (trouble reading discs).
5. Slot-loading DVD drive would not eject the disc (well, after 10 tries it would eventually come out) - it would get stuck on the felt/case.
6. Ethernet port would only work if the cable was perfectly seated in the connector. If it moved a tiny bit, you were out of luck and had to work at it to get it back to "connected."
7. Keyboard. Many keys on the keyboard wouldn't work, randomly.
8. Won't boot (integrated video card error code)

A few of the issues were taken care of without problems, over that time span.

After getting the motherboard replaced on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS, they sent the computer back without the underside cover that covers the hard drive on the bottom of the laptop. It was just missing, completely. They shipped it to me, without any screws. Ridiculous, I know. I have 2 orders on my dell account though, for "back cover" and "screws."

I am an electrical engineer in graduate school. When the keyboard broke I assumed it was just a ribbon cable problem. That it was - I opened it up and found that the plastic connector to the motherboard was broken off, and the ribbon cable was not being held tightly enough into the connector. I couldn't fix the thing, it needed to be replaced.

In Feb, with the keyboard not working and the discs getting stuck in the drive, I wanted to get things fixed. However I'm in school and for work I am on the computer ALL day. I don't have a replacement with enough power to run the apps I need (Engineering software, Adobe CS Suite, etc.). So, I couldn't bare to be away from the computer for 1 week. I waited for spring break (last week) to send it in finally and get the outstanding issues addressed finally.

I got a call yesterday, saying that the repair wasn't covered and I had to pay $400 to replace the motherboard (note, this mobo was already replaced once by them). I called in, and asked if it was a joke. They said they found LIQUID DAMAGE on the computer. My computer is my baby, I NEVER have drinks around it, EVER. When it's not in use it's in a protected case. It was the most ridiculous thing they could have told me. I explained this, but to no avail.

They sent me pictures of close ups of the liquid damage. It was noticeable A TON on the pictures they sent. It looked as if I spilled 4 cups of drinks on the thing, and it was eroding the surface of some labels even. It was outrageous. I said there is NO WAY that is my computer, or it was there when you replaced the parts originally (everything is refurbished, anyway), or it got wet during shipping (there was no plastic bag around the laptop).

The sketchy photos they sent me can be seen here: E60cbf031e.jpg A92fa091f0.jpg 108b795799.jpg

Needless to say, they didn't care at all. My options were pay the money or live with the several problems that still affected the laptop. I can't live without the thing at this point, so I said pay the money, give me your manager's number, and the boss will contact him shortly, and I'm never buying a dell again. Ever.

Anyway, I got it back a week later. It worked for 3 days, then would no longer boot (Problem # 8 listed above, error codes: failed video card, integrated).
I called in, and they issued me a replacement PC this time, because it would have been the 4th time the PC was in for repairs. This was April 4th.

Now, it's May 7th. I spent 4.5 hours on the phone yesterday with them, and got nowhere. The 4 days previous, I had spent about an hour a day. I'm on hold right now too, but I can't possibly imagine getting anywhere. I've chatted at least once a day for the past month, to keep checking on the replacement status.

The excuses they give me range from "Backorder" to "We can't find the right parts" to "Well we tried 4 times to build it." The problem seems to be that they don't make my souped-up version of the Vostro 1510 anymore (and probably rightly so, because of how much it has broken on me...). Yet, they KEEP trying to do it, KEEP issuing orders, that KEEP getting canceled because they can't build the PC!!!

I am just trying to get my specs match, on ANY dell laptop model. I have asked EVERY time to request a Studio 15 laptop with my specs matched - I am able to customize this online for CHEAPER than the original PC I bought. They said "ok yes sir I will check on this" - and eventually I get hung up on - or told I'll get a call back, and I NEVER get a call back. To this day, I have yet to get one single call back.

I really don't know what to do, I don't think I will ever get a PC at this rate, and I've been computer-less for 6 weeks now - working off of borrowed PCs from friends.

I'm ready to take legal action if I can find it (for free...) - otherwise, I have no idea what to do. The only people I talk to are outsourced IT departments, and I have yet to speak to an American in management who can actually say "Give him a Studio 15, build it today and ship it tomorrow."

I will never, ever, ever, ever buy or recommend a Dell again - and that goes a long way considering;
1. My friends/family/acquaintances come straight to me for computer questions/issues in every circumstance.
2. I do web page support development/other EE related consulting for businesses who also ask for IT/comp help.

If anyone has suggestions for resolutions, please send them my way.

Columbus, Ohio

Company: Dell
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Round Rock
Phone: 8004563355
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