Direct TV
Told me a Boldfaced lie to sign on and then damaged my house!

Electronics and household app.

We recived an advertisement that seemed like a great deal. I called the company and was told I could recieve cable t.V. And internet for a spacific amount. I was excited because this package would save up $50. A month. So I ordered it.

Two men came out and hooked up the televisions. I did my best to keep checking on them but my 4 year old twins were both sick so I was tending to them also.

I told them not to mount anything on the roof as it needs to be replaced in the spring. Asked them if they could mount it to the trimboart. It is very steardy as we had just replaced it in the fall. They said they could.

When they finished with the tvs asked if they were next to do the internet hook up. Was told no, Someone else does that and this person should show up in a while. I Called the company to find out when, only to be told they do not do internet.

Told I was told you did and was also quoated a price. Found I was lied to!
Told them I would have to cancell because could afford them and the company I already had with the thier boundle package. I was told had to do it that day of face a $400 early disconnection fee!!!

When my husband got home he went oput to see what they had done. He fount they had split the brand new trimboard while installing the dish, SCREWED the cable all across out roof and never made a drip loop or seal the hole where the cable entered the house into our bedroom!!!

Spent most of the rest of the day trying to get thing resolved. To be continued today!!!

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Anglewood
Address: P.O. Box 4227
Phone: 8005191823
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Direct TV
Terrible company

Bundle package GARBAGE

Charter Digital Cable TV
Customer Service Lower then Sewer Rats chicago

Time Warner Cable
They refused to provide service - Bundle Service

Comcast Cable
Misrepresenting TV station and always changing things around with out contacting costomers

Usa Credit
Ripoff! Dishonest in what they said

Best buy
Best Buy refuses to honor their lowprice guarantee Philadelphia

Where is the raving mad emoticon

The worst company!

Comcast Cable