Incompetent Customer Service, refusal to ship products

Electronics and household app.

My husband ordered items from KlearGear.com for Christmas presents. After several weeks went by with no delivery, he attempted to contact KlearGear.com to find out the status of his shipment.

His first mistake was attempting to call them... You can't do it. There is absolutely no way to get in touch with a physical human being. No extensions work, and the dial-by-name directory is absolutely useless. Which is somewhat surprising since it's the only way to get in touch with their media relations person.

At one point we told them we would contact the BBB and file a negative report against them. They claimed that since they had never received payment, we couldn't file. We replied that no, we had every right to do so based on their horrible customer service practices.

Here's the email I sent them, and their response below:

Dear Customer Care Agent;

My husband recently placed an order with your company, referenced in the subject line of this email. He has since spent the last 5 days attempting to contact your company as to the status of the order, with no satisfactory resolution whatsoever. Emails give nothing but excuses and circular answers, and attempting to contact you by phone is literally impossible. But I'll get into that later.

According to customer service agent "Jamie", the items we requested and paid for were on backorder. This caused his order to be placed on hold for an intederminate amount of time. No communication of any kind was extended to let us know of the status. "Jamie" claimed that s/he was "waiting to hear from you regarding whether you wanted your order shipped or to receive the order." In generally accepted, standard English, those options are one and the same. I fail to understand why this was even a question, since the order was never cancelled and should have been shipped immediately upon receiving the backordered items.

"Jamie" then informed my husband that you were waiting to invoice PayPal. My husband had already paid for these items, so an invoice through PayPal should never have even been an issue. He paid for the order back in December. Had your customer service team been in the least bit competent enough to pick their own noses, this would have been recognized, noted, and processed weeks ago.

The excuses that "Jamie" has given us are at best completely irresponsible and unacceptable, at worst pure fabrication and a thinly-veiled attempt to cover your own ineptitude. I spent some time attempting to contact your customer service department by phone earlier today. Not only is getting a human being in customer service impossible, but your dial-by-name directory does not recognize any combination of numbers entered. Even attempting to contact your media relations person, April Brian, in the hopes that by speaking to her I could get the name of a customer service manager, failed miserably. Either April has long since left your esteemed company, or she has no phone extension. At least, the directory doesn't seem to think she does.

A company like yours, while catering to geeks, should first and foremost understand that while electronic communication is nice, there are inevitably times that human contact is necessary. At this point, the only thing I can determine is that your customer service department, in fact, your whole company, is so busy returning voicemails from disgruntled customers that they are inable to take live calls of any kind.

I offer the following resolution: that order be shipped immediately, overnight, free of charge, with a 40% discount. Since my husband has already paid through PayPal, you can refund the difference in the same manner. It is the very least that you can do in order to salvage any kind of customer satisfaction and respect for your company and the products you sell. We expect resolution by the end of business today.

Best regards;

Their eloquent response:

Thank you for contacting KlearGear.com.
I am not sure if you have read the previous communications between Mr. And myself; however, I will RE-state that he has never paid for his order. Perhaps you should contact PayPal to verify that. They can again provide you with the details, which include the fact that the order was PRE-authorized with PayPal shortly after the order was placed. That Pre-Authorization is only valid for 30 days, which is why we needed to invoice PayPal.

I notified him when the items were received from back order and asked if he wanted those items to ship, even though there has been a delay in receipt. We charge at the time of shipping; therefore, I will say again, he has not been charged.

At this point, we reserve the rights to refuse service. Order # has been CANCELED. Again, PayPal has not been charged, and you will not be receiving a refund

Jamie (and yes, that is my real name.)
KlearGear.com Customer Care

Company: KlearGear.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 7122 Oaklawn Drive
Phone: 8885532743
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