Best Buy
Failure to pay rebate ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I bought a Canon Elura camcorder that had a rebate of $100 plus a video editor with a value of $80.
We all know that Best Buy cash registers print out rebate forms, etc. Only for the duration of the rebate offer. Therefore it is not possible to get a rebate form and rebate receipt at any other time.

I sent in my rebate requests, and they were denied by the rebate fulfillment company (Parago) with the claim that the product was not purchased during the time period that the rebates were being offered. What makes this especially ludicrous is the fact that one of these rebates is even now still in effect, and will be until the end of March.

This not the first time that they have denied a valid rebate request, but in the past the denied requests were for small amounts. Now I have to seriously consider whether I even want to buy anything at Best Buy anymore. As you can tell, I'm more that a little annoyed, since I'm taking the trouble to write this report.

Looking through other reports on this web site, I have to think that some enterprising lawyer ought to jump on the bandwagon, and start a class action lawsuit against Best Buy. The little guys like me won't get much out of it, if anything, but something as significant as a class action lawsuit will certainly get the attention of the pencil pushers at Best Buy.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Crestwood
Address: 13000 Cicero
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