Direct TV
Worst service ever. Weeks of unresolved issues and Horrible HD sound

Electronics and household app.

Do your friends a favor and don't recommend Direct tv. Worst provider of all cable companies and Dish combined. It has taken me 4 weeks and 5 hrs of phone calls just to get access to my account online and they still can't resolve it. Plus Direct tv downloaded software back in October and completely downgraded the HD sound. My standard def channels come in clearer. Now they say it's an industry wide problam... B.S. I know for a fact it's not cause I got new receivers and they worked fine until it received the download again. Bottom line this company and its "customer service" reps SUCK. I've been more than patient but I can only come to the conclusion that they just want your money and don't want to be bothered if AND when their service has a problem. Now I have to spend another couple hours fighting with some robot to cancel. Go back to cable. It's cheaper and just as good.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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Charter Communications
Talk to the right people - cable

Direct tv
Worst customer service I have ever experienced - TV service

DIrectv - 29.99 special

Horrible - DirecPath Cable Services

Direct Tv
Poor customer service cost me $1,300.00 ohio

Direct Tv Customer service reps gave wonderful care!

Ad customer service - Customer Service/Call Cente

They are terrible

Direct TV
Poor service leading to cancellation by customer ripoff Memphis TN

Best Buy -Direct TV - Best Buy Partnership with Direct TV