Circuit City
Do not shop at Circuit City stores that are closing! They are jacking up prices

Electronics and household app.

I recently visited CC in Fontana, CA after the announcement of stores closing thinking that I could snag a decent deal. I was in the market for an adapter to play my iPod over my car stereo. The price of the Belkin was originally $89.99 minus 10% - sale price $81.99. I was thinking that this is probably the same price as a non-closing CC so I decided to purchase. I thought I was getting a deal.

After paying for it, I asked the salesperson if the product doesn't work, can I return it? She said "No, all sales are final." I said, "Can I return it to a CC that's not closing?" She said, "No, we are liquidators so can't return it there either. You can return it now but if you walk out, you can't return it." I didn't want to take any chances so I returned it.

I then went to CC in Rancho Cucamonga that's not closing and the same adapter was selling for $79.99, and it wasn't even on sale!!! Unbelievable!!! They are jacking up there price and putting them on sale up to 20% off. They are making consumers think that they are actually getting a deal! What a ripoff!!! Do not shop at CC. Greedy b*st*rds!!!

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fontana
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