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Electronics and household app.

First of all I would like to translate in English the answer to your mail since I consider it common sense to send it to all people I involved in the discussion. Then I will add some remarks for your colleagues.

So here is the translation:

Dear Mr. Mugurel,

1. I start by telling you that on the date of 16.12.2006 when I purchased the camera in the Flanco store in Sibiu there were no "Original Sony Guarantee Certificates" availabe there.

2. Through this mail I also adress the "Management of Flanco store" - at the mail adress specified on their site. Unfortunatelly for the "Consumers protection Office" there was no mail adress, but I posted an online petition (just copy - pasted your answer).

3. The fac that to this day I do not have an "Original Sony Guarantee Certificates" is the direct result of your bad coordination with your dealer Flanco. If as you say my camera could not be fixed because of thi reason I have to answer that I do not understand to support the consequences of your or your colleagues incompetency.

4. The fact that Sony product ave only one year guarantee if purchased in Romania is not only regretable but also demeaning. If Sony Corp. Has not found out yet that Romania is a member of UE please share this with them. (If you did not know I hereby aknowledge you).

5. I tried to reach Sony Romania Friday 16.00 my last call was at 16.56. Beside the fact that no one answered my call was automatically cut off after three rings. I was expecting at least a greeting message, but that is beside the point.

6. If you consider that 5 days after the 16.12.2007 my guarantee has expired please answer fr me the following questions:

- Does Sony considerr that this camera is a professional one and therefore is used on a daily basis???

- If the last time it was used is before 16.12.2007 is the guarantee still valid?

7. What is the reason that you tell me to adress my request to "the management of Flanco store to have the video camera repaired free of charge"?

This was the translation.

Now some short remarks:

1. I expect an official answer before 27.12.2007 regarding my camera.

2. I expect an official answer before 27.12.2007 regarding the guarantee period in case I do no get such an answer I will adress this to he European Comission. I cannot believe that Sony Corp. Discriminates me as a consumer in Romania. I thought I was purcahsing from a global supplier!!!

3. If I d not et bth answers till the date mentioned I reserve the right to publish this wherever I think suited and start legal action against Sony Corp.

Best Regards,

Ioan Hambasan


Original Message

From: Ioan Hambasan

To: "Ro, Office"

Cc: teleflanco AT flanco. Ro

Sent: Saturday, December 22 9:05: 40 AM

Subject: Re: Worldwide Guarantee

Stimate Domnule Mugurel,

1.incep prin a va aduce la cunostinta faptul ca in data de 16.12.2006 magazinul Flanco din Sibiu nu detinea un certificat de garantie in original pentru produsul achizitionat.

2. Prin prezntul mail ma adresez si "conducerii magazinului Flanco" - la adresa mentionata pe site. Din pacate, pentru OPC nu am o adresa dar am depus o petitie online (am facut doar copy paste mailului Dvs.).

3. Faptul ca nu am un "certificat Sony in original" se datoreaza proastei coordonari dintre Sony si dealerul Flanco. Daca spuneti ca din acest motiv nu mi se putea repara camera gratuit atunci va raspund ca nu vad de ce as suporta consecintele incompetentei Dvs sau colegilor Dvs.

4. Faptul ca produsele Sony nu au decat un an garantie in Romania este nu numai regretabil ci si jignitor. Daca Sony Corp. Nu a aflat inca de intrarea Romaniei in UE va rog sa-i anuntati (daca nu ati aflat nici Dvs va aduc acum la cunostinta).

5. Vineri am incercat sa sun la Reprezentnta Sony Romania incepand cu ora 16.00 ultimul meu apel fiind la ora 16.56. Pe langa faptul ca nu mi-a raspuns nimeni, convorbirea se intrerupea automat dupa trei apelari. Nu mai vorbesc aici de faptul ca m-as fi asteptat sa existe macar un mesaj de intampinare.

6. Daca D-vs coniderati ca la depasirea cu 5 zile a termeului de garantie a expirat vo rgsa-mi raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:

- Sony considera ca aceasta camera e profesionala si deci este utilizata zilnic???

- In cazul in care ultima utilizare a ei a fost inainte de 16.12.2007 garantia e valabila?

7. Care e motivul pentru care considerati ca ar trebui sa ma adresez "conducerii firmei Flanco pentru repararea gratuita pentru Dvs a camerei video"

Va multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns,

Ioan Hambasan

Original Message

From: "Ro, Office"

To: Ioan Hambasan

Sent: Friday, December 21 6:03: 37 PM

Subject: RE: Worldwide Guarantee

Stimate Domnule Hambasan,

Sony livreaza impreuna cu produsele si certificate de garantie in original, catre toti importatorii autorizati (printre care se gaseste si Flanco).

In cazul in care la achizitionarea camerei nu ati primit un astfel de certificat, iar magazinul respectiv nu a putut sa va ajute, trebuia sa va adresati conducerii firmei Flanco si/sau OPC-ului. Este obligatia legala a vanzatorului sa va inmaneze un astfel de certificat!

Fara un certificat Sony in original, produsul nu se putea repara in conditii de garantie (gratuit pentru client) in nici un centru de service acreditat de catre Sony!

Produsele portabile audio/video Sony (inclusiv camerele video) comercializate in Romania beneficieaza de o perioada de garantie de 1 an de la data cumpararii, si se pot repara in orice tara membra UE.De asemenea, orice produs achizitionat din o tara membra UE se poate repara in conditii de garantie in Romania, pe o perioada de 1 an.

Germania, despre care specificati, ofera o garantie de 2 ani la camerele video, insa in cel de al doilea an reparatiile in garantie nu se executa decat in Germania.

De asemenea, va putem comunica ca la numarul de telefon al Reprezentantei Sony Romania (021/318.47.10) se raspunde de luni pana vineri, intre orele 9.30-18.00.

Deoarece termenul de garantie a expirat deja, va indicam sa va adresati conducerii firmei Flanco pentru repararea gratuita pentru Dvs a camerei video care o detineti!

Cu stima,

Mugurel ANDREI

Sony Overseas S.A. - Bucharest Office

Service Administrator

Romania & R. Moldova

Tel: (4) 021 318 4710

Fax: (4) 021 529 8020

E-mail: office AT eu.

From: Ioan Hambasan [mailto: hambasan AT]

Sent: 21 decembrie 2007 17:30

To: SUK, CPG Sony Retail Spares

Cc: Ro, Office; marketing AT; marketing AT; Marketing

Subject: Worldwide Guarantee

Dear all,

I am writing from Romania, a country that as I understand it, according to Sony standards is not included in Europe just yet.

On the 16.12.2006 I purchased a Sony DCR-SR30E Handycam from a local dealer (Flanco).

I did not get a guarantee certificate because: " We did not get it from Sony Romania yet. We will call you when it arrives".

Now the cam is broken and I am told "You only have a one year guarantee since Romania is not in EU???" (German call-center).

I called Germany since Romanian desk is never answering. They told me they cannot help.

Maybe you can? Is there anybody in Sony worldwide that can??

Please excuse the tone of my mail but I was looking forward to record some memories during Christmas.

I am expecting an official answer till latest tomorrow 10.00 GMT.

Then I will probably have to adress the issue to local authorities and post this where ever I can on the net to warn romanian consumers.


Ioan Hambasan

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