Circuit City
Ordered Desktop Package desktop monitor printer (sale $769) sent only Destktop refuse to correct order & charged me $732 Service Cente

Electronics and household app.

I ordered an HP Desktop package on Thanksgiving day, they had a one day online sale for $769.97 plus a $270 rebate - total cost $499.97. I had to call the 800# to place the order.

The package was received about 7 days later, only the desktop was received. I called the 800# in the Phillipines to ask when my monitor and printer would arrive. They said I only ordered the desktop and I told them no I ordered the desktop package. I told them the rep didn't take the order correctly, he entered the correct desktop but failed to order the complete package. They said there was nothing they could do and just said "sorry" you can return the item and repurchase them but not at the sale price. I asked for a manager, conveniently there was no manager around. I proceeded to call them back on several occasions only to get aggravated and lied to, they refused to correct the order and would not allow for the call to go thru to a manager. I finally gave up and just mailed in my rebate.

A few weeks later I receive a letter from the rebate center stating I need to send in the information on the printer and monitor. I called them and said they never sent me the printer and monitor. They stated I am not eligible for the rebate. So now I'm furious and back on the phones again, this time the rep in the Phillipines transfers me over to the "escalated dept" at corporate. I explain the entire situation to the rep only to receive this response. "circuit city is not responsible for items that you do not place into your cart"... I asked her how would I place it into my cart if the order was taken over the phone? After what it seemed like running around in circles with this person I got nowhere, they refuse to fix the order and said they would file the complaint but there is no guarantee a supervisor would contact me. So basically if you order something from circuit city and they take the order down wrong you're S.O.L.

I thought this would be an easy thing to fix. Cancel the order and reorder the correct item and ship the missing pieces to the customer. Doesn't seem to hard. If I had known it would be this aggravating I would of returned the item, but Circuit city policy is return within 14 days from date of purchase. I placed the order on 11/22/07 and received it on 12/03/07, so I had a few days to return it, but how was I to know they wouldn't be able to correct the item? I think their customer service center in the Phillipines doesn't want to document any errors so they just refuse to help anyone with an order issue that they caused. I even called the store to see If I could get any help from them, they were sympathetic but they didn't do the order so they couldn't correct the order, which I can understand why should they get stuck fixing a mistake that the telephone rep made. The store manager told me that the service center in the Phillipines should be correcting this and he couldn't understand why they wouldn't correct it.

So now instead of me paying $499 for a desktop, monitor and printer, I ended up paying $732 for a desktop. I got completely ripped off and don't know where to go from here. I've contacted my credit card company but there is nothing they can do since the amount charged was for the desktop and not the package. Circuit City has the worst customer service I've ever encountered. How can a company not correct a mistake THEY made?

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
Phone: 8008432489
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