Microsoft, Xbox 360 Division
Complete Rip OFF! Waist of MONEY!

Electronics and household app.

Get this, I bought my XBOX 360 in April. It worked fine until October. Then I got the dreaded 3 red lights of death. So, I called and sent it in for repair. This was free. WOW! It took a MONTH to get it back. They were unable to fix my console so they sent me a refurbished one. OH WELL!

So, right out of the box this console started freezing on games that never froze before. So, I did the hard drive maintenance on it. This helped. Fast forward 2 months down the road. I go to turn it on and get one red light and the screen says "System Error and gave me a code E74". I contacted customer support and I was infuriated. The first guy I spoke with who's name was Muhammed. No joke. Hahaha. He told me that I needed to send it out for repair again and said, "If this happens again your case will be escalated to manager level status and you will either recieve a full refund of your purchase price OR a "BRAND NEW CONSOLE". This is a direct quote.

So, I reluctantly set up the repair order. But, I asked for a refund of this month's XBOX live fee and he said he needed to get his manager to approve and put me on hold. What I hear next is a dial tone. So, now i'm extremely pi&ed. I call back and get a guy named Jeff. I ask him if the order was put through and he tells me it has been. I then ask to speak to Muhammed again. He says that he cannot transfer me. So, I ask if what I was told about getting a refund or a brand new console was true. Jeff tells me that is competely UNTRUE. WHAT??? I then ask why I was lied to and he says he cannot tell me why I was told that.

So, then I tell him I know that the calls are recorded and that I want something done about this guy. He tells me that it is none of my business what happens up there. I was SUPER PI*ED by this point. I tell them that I am completely disgusted with the level of service I am being provided and hung up. I am going to be calling everyday and I will eventually speak to a manager. I am also going to be emailing them everyday until I get some satisfaction.

But, it is my personal recommendation that NO ONE buy a XBOX 360. It will just break and they will try and fix it and if they can't they will send you a refurbished piece of trash that will break in a couple of months. Plus the employ nothing but a bunch of terrorist muslim camel jockeys who aren't worth the oxygen of a white man to speak to them.

Company: Microsoft, Xbox 360 Division
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Phone: 18004699269
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