
Electronics and household app.

Some 8 years ago, I added my daughter to my phone plan. Subsequent to my adding her, she added three other lines in my name. Sprint permitted her to get the lines and she paid for them and the services. Because of some finanicial difficulties, she could no longer pay the bill. On December 9, the bill was to be sent to collections. On that date I decided that I didn't want my credit to be affected so I decided to pay the bill.

My daughter called the company and spoke with Crystal, (a sprint rep.) and made arrangements to pay $644.75 on the account and and within 7 days she was to reactivate phones rather than to pay the $800.00 in early cancellation fees, in that we would be able to terminate the plan in approximately 3 months. She then transferred us to Jesse in the finance department. Upon telling Jesse what Crystal had told us, he informed us that the amount that we needed to pay was $801.67 instead of the $644.75. We agreed to the terms and gave him my Mastercard number and we were given a confirmation number.

Approximately a week later, a representative called and said that my payment had been rejected. She said that she didn't know why, however, when she looked at her paperwork she found that Jesse had not recorded the security code. I gave her the security code and she assured me that if anything else happened, she was making a note for me to be called immediately. She gave me the same confirmation number that Jesse had given me and I mentioned that to her. She said that it was okay. That same day, the fraud department called to check on the activity on my account because of the unusual transactions. I informed them that I had made the transactions.

After about a week, my daughter called to reactivate the phones and was told by representative Ruby that the money had not been posted to our account. She said that she would investigate and gave me a case number. She informed me that she would contact me in 7 to 10 working days.

On today, January 4, I was called by a collection agent who was very rude, course and condescending. She informed me that I owed over $1,400.00 and how was I going to pay it. I tried to explain to her the disposition of the case. Of course, all she was interested in was collecting the money and told me that she was going to keep calling until I paid the money.

I, subsequently, called Sprint to try to make some sense of what was happening because I was under the impression that all was well. I spoke with a representative who said her name was Anne. It was very difficult for us to communicate because of the language barrier. She was polite and tried to be helpful but it was impossible for us to communicate effectively. She kept trying to tell me to fax my bank statement. I asked for a supervisor and she said that she was referring me to her supervisor, Mark. When I spoke with whoever was suppose to be Mark, the supervisor, he inattentively listened to my explanation. I could tell that he was not listening because when I finished, I had to call him 3 times and his response was "I'm here". He informed me that there was no record of payment, no record of a confirmation number that had been given to me but "one that I said that I had been given" (implying that I was lying about the number that was given to me). He further informed me that the confirmation number was not a number used by them (again implying that I was lying) and there was nothing he could do for me. At the close of the conversation (which was not a conversation at all because I spoke and he responded only to intimate that I was lying and there was nothing that he could do for me), I asked his name. He told me that his name was Doug. I asked, ' Doug what'? He told me that he was not permitted to give out his last name but that his I.D. # is 3248. I somehow don't believe that because representative Anne told me that I was going to speak with a person by the name of Mark. Obviously, someone is lying. But why lie to a customer&a long-time customer who has 2 accounts with the company.

By this time, I was furious! I called the sprint account and spoke with a gentleman. I asked if he could look at his records he had for me and give me the confirmation number. I asked him if the security code was recorded and he told me he saw no mention of a security code nor a confirmation number. I asked him if the account ended in specific digits, he gave me the account number of someone and my old bank account number and another credit card that I had used at some earlier point. So, I now have someone else account number and I'm wondering if they have mine. I also have concluded that someone at sprint dropped the ball by not completing the transaction and I am now going to have to be the scapegoat! I can't see why I must be penalized for an error on sprint's part.

I want to clear this matter up. What should I do? I am at a loss.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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