Inc refund was never issued, all was a lie

Electronics and household app.

I had been using my helio device under the 30 days grace period and I didn't like it because the software is so glitchy, fees per month is ridiculous, and the device itself isn't suitable for deaf people like myself.

I decided to call Helio and cancel my service and told them numerous of reasons why I didn't like the device. Of course, they tried to haggle me by reducing the monthly payment and I constantly told them NO. Finally, the salesperson was able to cancel my account, and told me the package that contains all of the packages and instruction to return my device back. Furthermore, the salesrep told me I will recieve my refund in full because I was under the 30 days grace free period and I won't be able to recieve my refunds for 4-8 weeks. 4-8 weeks? What the f*, so it takes 5 minutes to charge my bank account, and it takes 4-8 weeks to refund it back to my account. That's bollock! So I was starting to arose my suspection against this company, and apparently it was tainted with corruption. So I thought to myself for a bit and I should wait for 4-8 weeks - I decided to wait for 8 weeks max.

For the last 8 weeks, there wasn't a refund depoist from helio - not even a drop of penny. Pissed, I called them several times and I got hung up many, many times. I called the sales department and asked them why I keep getting disconnected, the sales person wouldn't answer my question and decided to hang me up. I get even more pissed, I called them over and over again to ensure that they answered my question - I was able to contact the membership service department. I gave the membership service department all of the necessary informations, and they told me that I have to wait for 6-8 weeks before I get my depoist. I rolled up my eyes and told them that I have been waiting for the last 8 weeks to get my money back. All I could hear is the stammering and uhh, umms. God, this agent is f*ing retarded.

I am fed up with them, I am going to call pre-paid legal service and ask them the necessary steps to file a class action lawsuit. Before I do that, I want this resolved via usacomplaints.com and see if Helio will wet their pants or not.

It's that how Helio treats handicap people? Thank God I didn't cancel my service with Tmobile - sidekick 3 is awesome for deaf people, and cheap!

Please assist me in any way you can, lawyers, advocates, or whatever it's called. I want my money back. I am sick and tired of evil corporations whose idealogy is based on scientology - what a load of bullshit.

OmegaflareRochester, New York

Company: Helio
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 600
Phone: 3104457000
  <     >  


Extremely delayed refund on a product that was not recieved at all

Mobile Phone Company Needs to be investigated for ignoring legitimate refunds ripoff

Helio No Refund - SCAM
Almost a year and no refund from Helio

Complete Wireless Helio
Never gave me a refund for a phone that I returned to the store, Helio unwilling to help

Helio Virgin Mobile
Where Does Helio Or Virgin Mobile Bank Helio Refuses to Terminate My Contract

Helio Cellular
Can't seem to get a refund on a product I didn't even order!

Helio (Helio Powered By SK Telecom)
Intentionally led me on in order to put me past the 30 day return period

Scam and rip off!

Corporate Corruption still prevailing

Finawireless - Fina Wireless - Helio Dealer
Sold a used phone and then refused to take it back