Time Warner Cable Cincinnati
Took Direct TV receivers for $100 credit, but has no record of the installer taking them Cincinnati

Electronics and household app.

We switched from Direct TV to Time Warner Cable about 2 months ago. We have had numerous billing issues already, where they cashed our initial check for service but did not give us credit, they did not give us the 12 month discount plan as promised, charged us for installation when that was supposed to be free, etc, etc. They also had a promotion that if we gave them our Direct TV receivers (2 max) we would get $50 each for them. They were supposed to credit our account. The original cable installer said he did not have the paper work to process this. So I called TW and they said I could not drop these off at one of their locations, that I had to schedule an installer to come to the house to retrieve these. After playing phone tag, we finally got it scheduled. The man came to the house, took the receivers, completed the paperwork and had me sign an electronic device, looked like some sort of palm pilot, to prove he came. I have since misplaced our copy of the receipt. The bill comes and guess what? No credit to our account. I call customer service. He stated the last record they have is I am supposed to call to have someone pick them up but I haven't called yet. I said that is ridiculous. I called and he came and picked them up. The rep says, sorry, without a receipt there is no proof. I then said that a major tech company has no record of their installers going to people's homes! That they cannot determine where installers were this past month and figure out who came and took these recievers. That they have no record of the electronic device that he made me sign? He chuckled and said, No Ma'am. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was put on hold for... I kid you not, 14 minutes. (My phone has a timer). He then tells me no supervisors are there and someone will call me back. Now, I had been through this before with the other billing issues, where that "someone" was supposed to call me back but I ended up having to call back numerous times before I could find someone to help me. This company acts like it is being run out of someone's garage, not a major US company. I have tried to find a way to contact corporate, but that is a big secret, apparently. This equates THEFT to me. If I don't get any cooperation from them, I am filing a police report. They cannot send people out to homes, take their property and have NO RECORD OF IT! I can describe the installer exactly. He and I had a long conversation about kids, work, etc while he was completing this paperwork. I should have stayed with Direct TV... But they do not offer high speed internet in our area, so we are up @#! * creek. Talk about having a monopoly! Hard to imagine this day and age that we have to deal with this sort of thing, especially from a major US company. Sort of reflects how our government is currently operating. CROOKS and no one is accountable.

Company: Time Warner Cable Cincinnati
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cicinnati
Address: 3268 Highland Ave
Phone: 8008669767
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