Camera company ripping off customers with Bait & Switch

Electronics and household app.

I was looking to buy a camera and searched online. I found I saw their package deals and they looked like a good deal. Also, they have "excellent" reviews on their "OWN" page.

I was looking to purchase a Nikon D80 premium package deal. It came with a 18-200mm Nikor lens. 4gb memory card. Etc etc. These are the basic components of the package.

Peter was the guy I was talking to to make the purchase. Basically, we talked about what i needed to buy and some of the things I thought were ridiculously priced, like a $200 charger, $400 memory card etc etc. I didnt give in to those items but through the conversation, he "upgraded" them to me for FREE! Eventually, the total came out to $2200 for the package, warranty, and other accessories that I ordered.

I wasnt sure if my credit card would authorize that amount so I had him run it to see if it would go through, and he said it would authorize! So he decided to repeat the order to me... And I had to stop him because he changed the lens to a Sigma 18-200mm Lens saying that it was a better lens and a better deal! On his site, the lens is $1400!

I said "no" at first but decided to say yes based on what he was saying. After we talked, I researched the lens and couldnt find it anywhere. The 18-200 sigma lens that I could find was 600 at most! So I called back and said, I want to cancel my order cause I felt like I was being ripped off. He said, he understands but I really am getting a better deal. He said the lens had a microchip inside and wasnt being released to the US until mid september, but I couldnt find it anywhere online, even the Sigma home page.

I called back 30 minutes later. He began acting like a real "salesman" with rebuttals for every denial I threw at him. I told him to show me another company selling that exact lens. Which he did. He refered me to which had the lens at $1500! But if you look at that site, it looks almost identical to theirs! I think its a cover up company of theirs. Eventually, I know I pissed Peter off. I demanded to cancel my order which he granted, but tried to sell me the Nikor Lens as a last resort! I said that I had to pay a $149 cancel fee. I agreed to that. Then just as I was about to hang up, he said "AND we arent going to refund the warranty cause it was punched in the computer and it cant be refunded!" I replied, "but you didnt even ship it and I still have to pay it? Then he said I need to pay it with a cashiers check or money order and that I had to fax a copy of it to them. What for? So I asked to speak to a supervisor or manager and he said that it was him! Anyway, i said... Ok... And hung up.

I called back and spoke to a customer service person and said that I didnt want to be transfered to Peter, cause they did it to me before. I told them that I canceled the order and that I had to pay a restocking fee and I just wanted to confirm how much I had to pay... And they said ONLY $149!

I knew Peter would try to authorize my card or not give me a refund so I emailed the customer service with the same question so I could have proof of the refund fee. They also emailed the quote at $149! They ended up not authorizing my credit card after all... Which was a good thing!

In all, I knew that this company was bad news and I should have checked them out before making the purchase. But I just want people to be aware that this company is bad news and theyre trying to sell you stuff you dont really want, and switching items without you knowing!

I spoke with Peter from which I also believe is

Don louie
Waipahu, Hawaii

Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Edison
Phone: 8007720136
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