Ripoff dishonest company taking more then they needed

Electronics and household app.

Nextel is a shady, shady company. I was paying a bill that I owed of 146.12. Two days later I look at my account and they took 5 more payments out. First one for $100, another for $100, then the actual bill for $146.12, then another for $200, and the last one for $500, all took from sprint wireless due to there recent merger. When I called Nextel they had no history of any of those payments. I was told by them to call my bank because it might have been there fault. When I called my bank they gave me the $900 back for the time well the investigation was being the end my bank found that the company was at fault and told me to get a hold of Sprint/Nextel to get my money back.

After arguing and getting transferred all over the place at Nextel I felt like I was finally getting somewhere, I assumed wrong. The next thing I know I was on my way to Iraq and the situation was still unresolved. I called as soon as I was able to in Iraq and started the whole process again with my ex-wife's help we started making progress. We were told that we would get a call back from the disputes department and never did. I went through this process 3 times and always got the same answer and no phone call back.

When I got back from Iraq I collected my bank statements and then called Nextel again, This time I received a totally different answer. Pretty much I was screwed and I couldn't get the money back because I waited to long and it was my fault for not getting it done because it was over a year old. At that time I asked to speak to a supervisor and I was told no and that I needed to mail a letter to the disputes center if I wanted to talk to anyone higher. As of right now im uncertain what to do, since im always getting a different answer from the company.

Company: Nextel
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
Address: 2001 Edmund Halley Drive
Phone: 7034334000
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Do not try to make payment arrangements with Nextel they do not exist abused & mistreated

Nextel Communications
Ripoff Overland Park

Sprint, nextel Don't Port your numbers from me. It's not FREE! Ripoff

Nextel is a step child and sprint is the good child

Nextel wireless account

Sprint - Nextel Company
Breach on the contract by sprint nextel

Nextel, Motorola
Company dont tell you the charges ripoff jefferson kentucky

Nextel should be shutdown for not telling the truth and taking customers money!

Sprint / Nextel
Bills me, without any cell phones!

Sprint - nextel
Sprint nextel nextel billed for incoming calls that were never made to 9yr olds phone from 100 miles away ripoff