TigerDirect And OnRebate.com
Rebate Scam. Bait and Switch. Lost UPC Bar Codes.internet

Electronics and household app.

Another in a long line of scam reports on this "business".

Ordered an LCD TV in November. A few days later, a TV arrived... The first thing I did was to very carefully fill out the alleged 75.00 rebate form from their "sister" company, OnRebate, so I would not forget to do so, and while I still had all of the paperwork handy. Filled it all out, attached the included UPC sticker, stuck it all in the mail (a 30 min. Process), then I opened up all of the packaging and found - the Wrong TV. This one happened to be 100 bucks more than the one I ordered. Immediately called Tigerdirect "customer service". They apologized, had me send it back, and sent me the correct TV which arrived several days later. I was careful to explain that I'd sent in the wrong rebate info as it was applicable to the wrong TV, and was assured it would be "No Problem!"

When the correct TV arrived, there were no UPC stickers included. The sheet where they would have been had been plucked clean. Called CS again, they said "cut out the UPC label on the TV BOX" which I did, and sent it in, along with a written explanation of what had occurred.
2 weeks later I received the Denial of rebate on the 1st TV. That was understandable, it was the Wrong TV. 3 weeks after that, I received the Denial of rebate on the second, CORRECT TV, stating that I had not submitted the correct UPC with my paperwork, and would not be getting my 75 bucks. Many phone calls and emails later, Tigerdirect and "OnRebate" seemed to turn into a non English speaking company, as if I were being routed through to India and they just could not understand what I was talking about, giving me the same answer over and over again (just like AOL CS does with tech problems, along with a host of other companies.) They said I had sent in the wrong UPC barcode twice, and they simply couldn't help me, although they said I was free to send in the Correct UPC at any time, and they would even keep my "case" open in case I suddenly became smart enough to figure out how to do that. Again, there was NO UPC sent with the second, correct product, and I had sent the only existing UPC from the box itself.

After awhile they simply stopped answering my inquiries and pleas for sanity.

They sent the wrong product, causing me extra time and grief, and then to add insult, refused to send my "rebate" for the right product. The reason I purchased that product from Tigerdirect to begin with was because the price minus the rebate was a better deal than I could get elsewhere. Without the rebate I could have purchased at Bestbuy or another Reputable retailer for about the same price and much less hassle. I suspected that their rebate "offer" was a chronic and ongoing scam after my experience, but I had No Idea how widespread and commonplace their unethical business practices were until I discovered this website!
NO-REBATE would seem to be a major marketing tool and profit center for this company. I will Never Again purchase anything from them, and I make a point to urge my associates not to either.

I am certain that the FTC would be quite interested in their business practices, and I am in process of filing a complaint with that agency as well. Any sort of Class Action activity would have my full support. These scumbags need to go down.

I've wasted FAR MORE than 75.00 worth of my time on this thing, but I just cannot tolerate such a blatant rip off.

Company: TigerDirect And OnRebate.com
Country: USA
State: New Jersey, Internet
City: Jersey City
Site: tigerdirect.com
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